chapter 29 upgrading

The guard didn't like my reply but i was a rank 3 gu master. He was a mere rank 2 how could he order me around. He left while the rest of the men started searching the bodies and disposing of them.

As for me i made my way into the Captain's cabin. In the center of the room was a small gu formation. All mortal ships in the eastern sea have this gu formation. It only has two functions first it covers the ship in an air bubble to save it from sinking into the sea. The second function is that it can add fresh air into the bubble.

This is the standard formation to protect ships from the sea itself. The formation is powered by primeval essence stones underneath the formation because of that most people try not to use it unless its life or death. As for the dangers in the sea that all depends on the crew. Of course theirs better ships out there that have more functions or stronger abilities.

I'm gonna have to work on that formation later. First I'll have to rank up the remaining gu. As i was thinking so a knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.

Crim[ come on in.]

A man in his late forties with short black and grey hair entered.

???[ hello there fellow gu master my name is Basel. I'm in charge of the sea guards here, i came to thank you for your help. However i will say it was unneeded my force was fully capable of dealing with these riff raff.]

Crim[ and I'm sure they're, the main reason why i came and helped was to get one of the ships. I need one to start what I'm planning.]

Basel[ and that would be?]

Crim[ pirate hunting]

Basel[ you hunt pirates? Thats great theirs way to many of them out there. Their always attacking our cargo ships and ever now and then some of them even think its a good idea to attack our port]

Crim[ yeah the world will be a lot better without them. Thats why i wanted the ship after some preparations i plan on going after those pirates with bounties on them.]

Pirates are a big problem in eastern seas. Thank to the sea its easier for pirates to attack and flee and its almost impossible to track someone whos sailing in the ocean. Demonic gu masters who piss off the wrong clan or merchant group will get a bounty placed on their head. So their are pirate hunters but not many as the danger is to high.

After speaking with Basel for a bit he left along with all of his men. Now i don't need to go back to the inn. I took out food store gu and took out some refinement materials. Now to continue refining I'll first refine qi shape gu to rank 3. and a half month later....

I was able to refine many of my gu into a higher rank. All my food path gu were easy to refine to rank 3. Even qi shape was simple enough for me to refine to rank 3. I had an incredible recipe as so many people used it so they simplified and altered the recipe many times.

The only gu that gave me some issues was grip gu, wood shape gu, jab gu, marionette gu, and line gu. It took me a few trys to refine rank 3 grip gu but for line gu i didn't even bother ranking it up as i didn't even need it. The only reason why i still have it is because i can feed it for free as it also eats hair. As for wood shape gu it remained at rank 1 since i didn't have any of its higher rank recipes. I also didn't have any higher rank recipes for jab. As for marionette gu i chose to refine it to rank 2 only. Trying to refine it to rank 3 with out it being a vital gu or ample ingredients was basically asking for it to be destroyed.

I then made my way into the merchants shop and bought a few formation gu. They were all common gu but all that mattered was how they were used. In my last life their was a genius of the formation path who created a special formation for ships. However a merchant caravan that found out about his formation kidnapped him and forced him to hand over his secrets, but as a player how could he accept that.

He told the other players his story through players shop and told people that those who helped him he would give their ship his new formation. Many players jumped at the opportunity to enhance their own ship. Needless to say that merchant caravan became history while the formation eventually became common knowledge. Then other people improved upon his formation and sold it to others.

If i want to set sail I'll need to have my formation set. It'll greatly increase my survival rate out at sea. In the center of the captains cabin i began to slowly modify the formation. I had to take my time to make sure no mistakes would happen. Just incase i had food coat gu activated to protect me.

The process was long and mentally draining but in the end i was able to create the new formation. On the captains table were now two formations. The original formation and my newly added one. The new formation had a sphere in the center.

This formation is called Gu's Might it has a simple effect. You place a gu in the sphere and then its effect will be displayed around the the ship. So its effect is all dependent on the gu inside of the sphere. In my last life it was used heavily by others. Some would put ice path gu and freeze the sea around them including ships that were near them. Others would put fire path gu to stop that problem and to deter sea life. Different gu give off different effects so you'd never know what was coming.

As for me i plan on placing small appetite in the formation. Making all the surrounding sea life have no hunger. Meaning they'll be less likely to attack my ship. I can also switch with large appetite getting the same outcome. Of course this isn't foolproof beasts that are supper aggressive will still attack, and there are several other beasts that could still attack and not care about hunger, but a majority would leave me alone with this formation activated.

Now before i set sail i still need two gu, both these gu are very vital for me and especially when i become an immortal. After thinking about it for a bit i decided on what gu to refine.

Activating qi shape gu a cauldron appeared, i immediately added the main ingredient. A light yellow liquid was added, it was a wine created with the luck path flowers turned into a liquid with liquid gu and then turned into a wine with wine gu. The rest of the ingredients were considered odd. Some of the ingredients were shattered glass, venom, poisonous plants, while other ingredients were rabbit feet, medicinal plants, and luck charms.

If anyone else who was skilled in refining saw what i was using they'd call me an idiot but it was working. Slowly a gu was taking form to increase the odds of success i added more luck wine. Further solidifying the gu until it successfully took form.

The gu looked like a gold ant with a large back end. It closely resembled a honey pot ant, this gu created a huge wave in my last life. This gu is a one time use gu at rank 1 however it can't be used yet it has to be filled with luck. It's name is karma gu this gu had the ability to create good or bad luck depending on the users actions. If the user was a good person who helped others. Karma gu would fill up with good luck and when used the user would gain a temporary increase of good luck. However if the user did bad things the gu would fill up with bad luck and thus its effect would be the opposite. Thats why it got its name as you'd get what you deserve.

It's creator was a true genius of the luck path. He created a way to increase it rank once it was full of good luck. It would even increase its odd of success if it was full of good luck. When he became an immortal he raised it to rank 6, but since karma gu was a gu with limited uses he had to find a way to keep refining it to keep it in the immortal rank and use it without returning it back to a mortal gu. So he released its mortal recipe and its way to advance it to higher ranks.

Be it mortals or immortals all of them were interested in luck path gu and increasing their luck. The world became a much kinder place as people were using karma gu to increase their luck, and since it was all thanks to the luck path immortal. Whenever someone did good using his gu his immortal karma gu would fill with good luck. His abilities with it soared as he now had ample good luck, but now i have refined karma gu ahead of time.

I plan on ranking it up by going around and dealing with pirates. The plan is to get it to the immortal rank. Once i have an immortal luck path gu my odds of refining immortal gu will increase tremendously.

Grabbing karma gu i placed it into my aperture and entered players shop. I bought rank 2 soul lens gu from the player i got it from. I wanted a rank 3 version but how could a rank 1 gu master get me such a thing. I then started buying lots of fruit and food. If i want to refine the last gu I'll need alot of food path wine. Without it it wouldn't even be worth refining it.

... list of current gu.....

Grip gu rank 3

Steep tea rank 3

Liquid gu rank 3

Small appetite gu rank 3

Large appetite gu rank 3

Wine gu rank 3

Soul lens gu 2

Nutrient gu rank 3

Wood shape gu rank 1

Drain blood gu rank 3

Qi shape gu rank 3

Marionette gu rank 2

Line gu rank 1

Jab gu rank 2

Medicinal scent gu rank 3

Aurora scent gu rank 3

Food coat gu rank 3

Food store gu rank 3