chapter 32 progress in the seas

I'd like to give a huge thanks to Jantipopo who always kindly gives me his power stone. It really motivates me to write.


With my new destination in mind I had my marionettes set sail for the deadly sea. Most sailors would avoid this sea like it was a plague, since this sea had spots full of different poisons all over it. So most of the time if the ship isn't prepared then the ship literally melts away. Not to mention lots of poison path beasts that like to feed on this are very territorial about this sea. The sea plague and his men are all supposedly poison path gu masters so the odds are their more than capable of handling this sea.

A few day later I could finally tell we reached the deadly sea, with aurora scent gu activated I could see patches of poison all over the sea. Most of these patches were created by beasts that release poison to fight or to distract the predator as it makes its escape. Making this the perfect place for poison path gu to appear and grow, sadly my ship is not prepared for interacting with the poison, but like that could stop me.

Using qi shape gu I created a large bucket and would scoop up the poison and then water wine gu to create a poison path wine. With it I can stock pile a lot of it and then feed Dao Devourer, any smart gu master turns the things around him into use able resources. As for the surrounding beasts with gu mights formation activated with small appetite as the core no beast besides some aggressive ones would mess with me. Now that a good amount of time has gone by since the release of gu online its time I charge more for my primeval dao water in players shop. I had to set it to 1 in the beginning since most people were broke but now I'm sure people can afford paying 3 no 5 primeval essence stone for a bottle. With my cultivation going up so to does my need for primeval essence stones, not to mention constantly activating gu's might formation was not a cheap thing to have constantly active.

As I was adjusting my prices online my boat shook I looked over to see four large tentacles with blue rings all over them wrap around my ship. Looks like its a beast that's territorial well I was bound to run into one eventually. Activating qi shape I created a giant hand and with the help of aura scent gu I could tell where its big head was at. So I sent my giant hand to where its heart is at and using grip gu I squeezed it heart killing it. Its tentacles went lifeless and I raised its giant body out of the sea, blood was seeping out of its mouth. From my aperture I let out drain blood gu to drink its blood as it was drinking it aura went from a rank 3 gu to that of a rank 4. Its about time it did knowing this gu I'll reach rank 6 before it becomes rank 5. I could buy blood off players shop since selling blood has now become popular, but I'd go broke before I could get enough to get it to rank 5. No I'll have to wait till I reach immortal rank by then I can just find a couple large beasts and drain their blood to get the job done.

I set the giant beast down on my ship, I'll let my snakes eat their full before I turn the rest of it into a liquid to be turned into a wine for dao devourer. As my snakes ate till they were full I heard a large explosion in the distance. Turning to where I heard the noise I decided to sail towards that direction. After sailing for a few minutes I caught sight of two ships, the people on board were fighting each other . One ship had the flag of a well known merchant group while the other had no indicator, but there standing on the front of the ship spewing out a purple fog was the pirate I've been looking for the longest time.... The plague.

So I immediately set sail towards them and stood at the very front of my ship, once I got close enogh I yelled out.

Crim[ plague! I serpent devourer have been looking for you, surrender now and I shall spare your lives, but if you don't... well don't be surprised if I don't hold back.]

At my words the pirate group tensed but the merchant group seemed to be relieved that I was on their side. One of the merchants shouted out

merchant[ respected pirate hunter please aid us these scoundrels attacked us after we faught a thousand beast king]

Once I was close enough I sent all my venomous serpents over, I jumped over with the aid of jab gu. I went straight for the plague a rank 2 pirate tried to stop be but my power python from my waist lunged right at him wrapping itself around his neck. I then used qi shape gu to create a giant hand and sent it towards plague. He had long kept an eye on me and once he saw me attack he turned his head and spewed out a purple stream at my qi hand. Once it hit my qi hand it melted a large portion of it, but that didn't stop my own advancement. I was inches away from him but he didn't worry if anything he smiled and spewed out the purple stream right on me, but instead of it burning me and melting me away it disappeared immediately. Dao devourer had activated instantly and ate the attack that was aimed at me. Using jab gu I was able to grab him by the throat and choke slammed him to the ground.

Crim[ surrender or I'll snap your neck.]

He was dazed at first but quickly realized his position but instead of admitting his defeat he activated another gu. His hands became black and he grabbed me back, but once again dao devourer protected me from what he was trying to do.

Crim[ really?]

I hit him in the head and knocked him out, then I picked him up and showed him to everyone.

Crim[ I have defeated the plague! But don't worry he lives those who surrender now I'll let live.]

pirate[ captains down! Retreat!!!]

the pirates fled back t their ships only to be blocked by my beast king ship wrecker, they then wanted to board my ship but the entire ship was full of my serpents and my power python front and center. A rank 2 pirate jumped into the river only to be bitten and spat back on board by my deap sea serpent. Surrounded and with no path to escape the pirates chose to surrender, the merchants took their gu and shackled them, but before they could take them to the cages in the ship I stopped them.

Merchant[ is something wrong serpent devourer.?]

Crim[ I gave them my word that if they surrendered that they would live, until there is a contract ensuring their safety I will not let them leave my sight.]

merchant[ but your….]

before he could finish I cut him off

Crim[ I know you've all helped a lot with their capture thats why I'll let you have all their gu. Including the plague's.]

with that said they all were happy all their gu and the plague's gu would sell for a huge profit.

Crim[ however I get to decide the fates for them all, bring out a oath gu and your captain.]

After a while we sat down to decide the fate of the captured pirates

merchant captain[ you want them to work as a slave for 5 years and then be released with some money once they finish?]

Crim[ that's right and they must be treated decently too.]

merchant captain[ why would you want that, the amount of primeval essence stones you'll get from temporary slaves will be chump change compared to a life slave, and the plague only has to be a slave for 10 years? he'll be lucky if his owner doesn't straight up kill him]

Crim[ that's why I said they have to be treated decently, and yes that's what I want I don't care about the money. If anyone complains tell them it was me who set this rule.]

merchant captain[ well it your loss.]

we then began to use a oath gu to swear on it and as it was my turn I made sure to add this

Crim[ and if a person does not do as I requested then I'll hunt them down and kill them, and then I'll go after the Bergado merchant company and its employees here for not keeping their word]

My words caused them all to fear me who would want a high ranking enslavement gu master after their own life. Of course I wouldn't really do it, it was just to scare them into making sure they do as I asked. Even if I didn't do what I said and the oath gu tried to hurt me dao devourer would stop it right away. Since it was a mere rank 2 gu of course it wouldn't affect me. After that he paid me some primeval essence stones for them all.

Merchant captain[ is their anything else we can help you with?]

Crim[ do you got any wanted posters?]

After handing me some updated wanted posters they left, once they were out of eye sight I took out from my aperture karma gu. It was now fully lit yellow, which makes sense if you think about it. I saved the merchants and spared the pirates live and then gave them a second chance at life once they serve their time. All of which gave me loads of good karma luck.