Chapter 35 soul refinement

Inside of a large pit were several animals, ranging from deer, coyotes, fish, pigeons, and rabbits. Their was atleast 1,000 of them, all of them gathered from masked immortals blessed land. I could increase the numbers by adding the beasts that have wisdom path ties but that would be to wasteful. Those beasts are rare and expensive, all these beasts are just extras that are used to feed them or maintain the balance in the blessed land.

Crim[ do it now ]

Masked spirit[ yes master ]

After hearing me the land spirit shot out a light beam into the pit of the beasts. Cries came out but within seconds it went silent as they all perished from the land spirits method. Soon I could see countless beast souls rise from the pit. I activated my gu to use the killer move soul pill.

After I ate the pill I felt my soul become bloated. The amount of souls I took in at once was immense. My soul was full to the brim, my soul strength quickly grew to a 80 man soul strength. However the quality had downgraded compared to what it once was.

Crim[ now purify my soul ]

Masked spirit[ yes master]

The land spirit once again used a method only this time I could not see it but I definitely felt it. It felt as if my face was being cut off with a razor blade and being pulled off slowly, but that wasn't the worst part. As I also felt my soul be tortured as well, but just as soon as I felt the pain a golden mask appeared and landed on my face. With it on my pain disappeared mentally atleast. The mask didn't heal me no it was more of a method to numb away the pain for me.

My soul was quickly being refined what was once a 80 man soul quickly became a pure 50 man soul. From their it stop being purified.

Masked spirit[ master why are we using your methods when mine would work better?]

Crim[ some of your methods are good sure but not all, my method is best for all when it comes to strengthening the soul. Not to mention every little bit helps.]

Masked spirit[ if you say so]

What I said was true my method was a food path method that increased the strength of the soul. Even spectral soul used food path methods to increase the strength of his soul. Unlike him though the quality of souls I'm eating is crap compared to him eating immortal level souls. He even had a way to make sure his soul doesn't explode from over eating and purifying it all at the same time. Otherwise I doubt he could eat a rank 8 immortals soul like it was nothing.

Haaaaa the methods in gu online compared to the story are worlds apart. Even Heaven refinement demon venerable had two secluded domains of heaven and earth meant just for the soul. That's why his soul strength rose like crazy in the story. Though I do have something he doesn't have.

To empower ones soul you require three things. First you must strengthen the soul, second you must refine the soul to a better quality. Heaven refinement demon venerable had the best options for those two requirements, but the last thing is to pacify the soul.

Even Heaven refinement demon venerable lacked in this requirement. Otherwise he would have reached desolate soul way sooner. In the story the best way to pacify the soul was with pacifying soul soup from the secluded domain of heaven and earth bewitching lake.

Obviously the pacifying soul soup was a food path method. In my last life I had long used that as the inspiration to create my own methods to pacify the soul. Even if its not as good as pacifying soul soup. From my aperture I brought out food store gu. From it I took out cases of bottles, one set was cold to touch and the other was hot.

Taking one of each bottle I popped off their corks and drank the cold one first. It's was a specially brewed sweet wine that cooled my whole body. All of the phantom pain I was feeling from having my soul purified faded. After drinking the wine I drank the hot beverage. Which was a strong black tea, as I drank it I felt regenerized as if I never went through the pain of refining my soul.

One drink was made to relax the body and soul, while the other one gave it the energy to continue cultivating the soul. A very valuable resource I traded for other resources and services in my last life. Of course they take time to make and the stronger the soul the more you need but I've long prepared batches for myself.

Crim[ now it's time to use one of your methods masked spirit.]

Masked spirit[ yes master]

In the air several gu were floating around a bunch of vibrant purple bushes. Then all the gu activated and the bushes began to take the form of a purple mask. The mask then gently floated towards me and landed on my face, but I didn't feel it at all as the mask disappeared. Very quickly I felt my soul strengthen once again.

It went from 50 man soul to a 130 man soul, and just like last time my body quickly reach its limit as I felt very bloated. However I didn't stay that way as the light beam hit me again to purify my soul and the golden mask once again eased my pain. My soul was purified down to 90, but my body and soul felt immensely tired. As if I had stayed up for three nights all while doing hard manual work in the day. I was on the verge of passing out, but I quickly drank my wine and tea till my body and soul were fine.

Masked spirit[ wonderful master your soul is now at the 90 man soul strength. If we do it one more time you'll easily reach the 100 man soul strength. Should I prepare more bright berry bushes?]

Crim[ No.... this is good enough. I just wanted my soul to get stronger so that I wouldn't have to worry about my refinements failing and injuring my soul badly. Not to mention each time you use that soul boosting killer move wisdom path materials are used and my soul will be altered and I want my soul to stay the way it is for now atleast.]

Masked immortal did have a great killer move to strengthen the soul but it also changed ones soul slowly form a humans soul to a masked soul. Changing my soul into a masked soul would greatly boost the strength and connection with most of masked immortals gu. Just like how in the story one could change their soul into a wolf man soul to control wolves easier, but doing so would impact my use on other gu for the worst.

That and it used wisdom path materials to power it each use. Which was very wasteful, so I chose to leave my soul as is. How many other people could have a soul as strong as mine in this world. Only the gifted and the immortals of certain paths could claim that glory.

Masked spirit[ if you say so master. So now what?]

Crim[ Its time I personally refine my gu to rank 4. After that I'll head out, now bring me the materials I need.]


After about a month of refining I was able to all my food path gu but food store gu to rank 4. Any time I failed and hurt my soul I simply drank my beverages to heal myself. They weren't much of an issue to refine, only qi shape gu was what I had to be wary while refining, but with so many resources and a strong soul it too reached rank 4.

However I didn't stop there as I then chose to refine it to rank 5. With masked spirits help I was able to get plenty of dao water to help me refine it. I had to be very diligent as I didn't want to destroy the rank 4 qi shape. It didn't matter if I injured since I could heal it, I just didn't want to refine the gu all over again.

After one failed attempt I was able to successfully refine qi shape gu to rank 5. My first rank 5 gu and no system notification, lucky bastard whoever did it first. At this point I'm sure someone probably refined an immortal gu. Of course not through normal refinement but probably through natural refinement. Like how someone can refine self gu, hatred gu, and other immortal level gu through natural refinement. Well if they don't have some strong backing their defiantly dead.

Masked spirit[ congratulations master on the successful refinement. Now what? ]

Crim[ now I leave and head to formless blessed land and refine my first immortal gu.]