Chapter 98 – Again and Again, Repeatedly, and More**

Chapter 98 – Again and Again, Repeatedly, and More

'I… I must call the police… what's the hell going on in the backyard?!'

A tanned woman with huge assets on her body finally managed to break her frozen state. Her knuckles were entirely white now from gripping the windowsill in anxiety for way too long time, and only now that she managed to slightly relax did the pain and the stress make it to her brain.

'Does someone else know the secret of the orange tree? I shouldn't have mentioned it at the party, damn it!'

Her plan was to keep it a secret forever, or at least until she knew a way to make a lot of money from it. She accidentally blurted it out in her intense desire to become part of the conversation. If Young Master Amar would look her way, it'd be even better.