"! I just can't believe you, I told you to tell me if something was going on with you didn't I?"

He let out series of curse words, totally loosing his mind each time he recalled how he saw the lecturer on top of him at the forest park.

"I'm sorry…."

Glen said sobbing endlessly. Willaims took deep breaths to calm the rage burning inside of him before he wrapped his arms around Glen to console him. He calmed down a bit and could hear Williams heart racing fast, he felt submerged by his body warmth and they could both feel their face burning from embarrassment.

In the heat of the moment Willaims kissed Glen. He was astonished and immediately pushed him away from his body. It was as if he could hear his heart thumping louder.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to suddenly kiss you!"

He said mortifyingly and covered his face looking away from Glen. He realized he might have been too quick on his feelings.

"I'm sorry, let me book a ride for you to get home."

He tapped on his phone still mortified. Glen was still quite shaken from the moment, he just sat there fidgeting while Williams tapped on his phone.

"Y-You…don't need to do all that, I have to go for my part time job after all." He said interrupting Willaims.

In realizrion he said. "Ah yes…I forgot, but are you sure you'd be okay?


"let me see you out."

They both got up awkwardly and avoiding eye contact with each other.

— -

Williams watched Glen get inside a taxi and drove off. He waved at Glen but Glen hastily waved back awkwardly as the car drove off.

"Fuck me. I can't believe I didn't even confess before kissing him back there." He muttered to himself frustratingly and secured a cigarette with his lips and lit it.

He exhaled a whiff of grey smoke dispersing into the air. Deep in his thoughts, he felt conflicted that he may have ended up making Glen to hate him before even confessing. He whiffed another grey smoke followed by a soft sigh, shifting his gaze to the darkened sky.

I should keep my distance for now, I don't want him to push me away yet…come to think of it. Glen said he liked someone…

— — -

Willaims stopped working with the art lecturer, Mr Roy after that horrid incident with Glen. He knew he didn't have any evidence against the lecturer, but he still wanted to keep tabs on him and ensure that he isn't sexually harrasing another student.

Glen dropped the art class that involved mr Roy and replaced them with other courses. He wanted to avoid running into the sicknening likes of him at all cost.

During a students gathering, Glen and Willaims collided with each other due to the boisterous crowd swarming inside the hall.

"I'm so-"

Glen was about to apologize, but halted in his speech when he saw it was Williams. The memory of the day Willaims kissed him came flooding his thought causing his face to turn red.

"Senior Williams! There's something that I've been meaning to-"

"Sorry, I need to get something done as soon as possible."

He cut Glen's speech off and walked away from him with a grimly expression. Glen was quite perplexed, it was so obvious he was avoiding him.

Did I do something?….

After he exited the hall, he didn't show up for the gathering again.

Each time Glen tried to talk to Williams, he brings up excuses to leave. A Few days already passed and he seemed to have become more distant with Glen, which only made him to feel more inferior.

He thought of possible reasons to keep himself oblivious to the fact that Willaims was totally avoid him, but he couldn't.

— — -

Williams thought the only way to find about the person Glen liked would be through Charlotte. He went to her major during his free time and saw her walking out just in time.

"Charlotte!" He called out her name as he approached her.

"Willaims? What brings you here?" She enquired.

"I wanted to ask you something, I've been thinking about it for a while now."

"What is it? I'm all ears."

Hesitantly he said. "The…the thing is…I like Glen."

Charlotte gasped covering her mouth in astonishment. "You like Glen? Does he know?"

"No…" he responded despondently. "I heard Glen likes someone…I wanted to ask if you know this person."


"What do you mean ouch?" He cocked an eyebrow at her puzzled.

"Glen likes Henry, and it's not even just recently, he has been in love with him for at least 7 years now."

"What?! That trashy guy?" He crinkled his brows incredulously and continued. "But from all I've seen and heard, Henry only likes women."

"Yes, that is why Glen haven't tried to confess in the course of the years now."

"Hey guys."

Glen's voice abruptly sounded interrupting them.

"Glen." Charlotte called him name with a smile and glanced at Williams.

"Uh, I have to go now. Thank you." He said and strode off awakwardly. He didn't want to stick around or continue his conversation with Charlotte since Glen was there.

Glen glimpsed at his directing momentarily, with a brooding eye.

"Did something happen with you two?" Charlotte said drawing him out of his thoughts.

"N-not really…I don't even know." He said shifting his gaze to the floor in a daze.

— — -

Willaims threw his head backward on his sofa dejected—puffing his cigarette in a daze. He was still feeling uneasy as he had only just heard that Glen have liked Henry and for years at that. Of course Henry have only ever being with women, Glen is probably wasting wasting his time.

If he have liked Henry for that long, how do I get him to like me now? Wait.

He sat upright in a daze, taking another puff of his cigarette.

"I should try asking Henry if he'd ever consider sleeping with a guy, since that is what he does with every woman he meets…I don't want to end up grasping straws."


He got a message notification from his phone and opened it; it was from Glen.

[senior Williams, did I do something wrong? Why are you avoiding me?. Followed by an anxious emoji.]

"Hah…fuck" he muttered to him self and closed the inbox. He tossed his phone on the sofa and threw his head backward covering his mouth and crinkling his face grimly.

Glen didn't even do anything…so why am I avoiding him? I should apologize to him before I end up pushing him away even more.

Williams picked up his phone and dailed an unknown number. The number rang for a few minutes before the receiver picked up.

< it's been a while Willie never thought I'd see the day where you'd call my phone.> the voice sounded contemptuously, ticking Williams off.

"Indeed Henry, but I didn't call to hear your sardonic speeches, let me cut to the chase. Tomorrow 3:pm at the school library."

He hung up the call and threw his phone back on the sofa aggrieved.

— — -

Williams sat at the library at the appointed time to wait for Henry's arrival and kept glancing at his watch impatiently. It wasn't long before Henry walked in dressed in a long coat and a black turtle neck underneath it approaching his sitting place.

"We could've picked a five star restaurant to meet up with you know." He whispered contemptuously.

Peeved Willaims responded. "It's not like we're doing a reunion where I have to make it proper."

"Remember, beggars would always remain beggars." He sneered at Williams.

The tension between these two were quite out of the ordinary. Williams glare intensified staring Henry dead in the eyes.

Williams's father Brooke, used to work as an office assistant in Henry's father's company. His 25 year old son brian ended up becoming a total junky due to his association with the wrong group of people and dropped out of school. Brian suddenly stopped coming back home for 1 week straight. They were quite worried about his safety and reached out neighbors to inquire about his situation, but there was no clue yet.

On a faithful day, some loan sharks unexpectedly broke down their house gate creating a ruckus in their home, their young daughter who was only 9 at the time screamed in terror—hugging her mother tightly.

They were extremely baffled as to why loan sharks would suddenly visit their house.

"Why are you guys trespassing private property?" Brooke enquired extremely enraged.

In a devilish taunting manner their leader said. "Fucking asking me questions when your dear son took this much money from me." He handed him a paper. Brooke's eye widened and his pupil dilated.

The paper showed information of the loan collected by Brian, their son. He unexpectedly dropped a bombshell on them by collecting a huge loan from the loan sharks and fled the country, leaving the debt for them to pay off.

"See that? 200,000$." He chortled out a cynical laugh and scanned their house with a devilish expression. "This house is probably worth this amount isn't it?"

"Why would you even give such amount of money to anyone? He was a fucking young man!" Brooke yelled enraged.

"if I were you, i wouldn't yell, instead I'll think of a way to pay off the debt left by my son."

He sneered and shoved the paper back in his pocket. "if you don't pay up the money before the span of one month runs out as stated in the agreement, this house will become mine." He said smiling tauntingly.

"No way…no way…" Brooke muttered to him self still in utter shock.

"Let's go." Their leader said signaling them and they all walked out of their home.

Brooke and his wife still could not believe their son would ever do something absolutely horrible to them. He used almost everything in his back account to pay half of the loan and it ended up making him financially unstable.

Williams and his younger sister had to drop out of school since they could no longer pay their fees. Brooke had only one more option left, which was Henry's father, Benjamin Craig.