The unknown man stood behind in the dark alley silently.

"Hey, are you there?" Glen asked again sluggishly turning around, squinting his eyes.

The man grabbed his shoulder from behind pressing down on him with his weight.

Startled Glen turned to break free from his grip. "W-what are you doing?" He said staggering when a sudden feeling of nausea emerged in his stomache and he threw up coughing intensely, leaning against the rough wall.

The man sucked his teeth irritatingly with a scowl. "What a fucking hassle." He pulled out a small towel and handed it to Glen as he choked continuously.

"Wipe up with this."

Glen took it still a bit dizzy from the alcohol—wiped his mouth.

"Hey I didn't bring you out here to completely sober up." The man said feeling anxious as he darted his eyes around the alley, incase someone walked by.

Glen threw his head backward on the rough wall feeling quite sober—wheezing from the choking sensation he had experienced when he the man abruptly cupped his left cheeks in his hands pressing his head onto the rough wall.

Glen flinched and his pupil dilated, as though he only just realized it was the same guy that approached him earlier.

"What are you doing?!" He interjected grabbing the man's hand on his cheek with a wincing expression.

"We have an unfinished business here, so shut it down." The man said vigilantly glancing around with a slight whisper.

He suddenly pulled Glen's shirt upwards to reveal his slender and pale waist.


Glen yelled beginning to struggle, his eyes filled with aghast once more as he tried to make his way out of the man's grip.

He suddenly felt another feeling of nausea emerging from his chest as he recalled the just recent incident with his perversed lecturer—his struggling slowly became weak and he let out a loud gaging sound covering his mouth.

"Fuck, what now?"

The man cursed extremely peeved as he softened his grip on Glen's wrist and cheeks.

Glen faltered about to crouch down from the weakness of his knees, breathing anxiously.

"Please stop, please." Glen groaned leaning against the wall faltering, his hands on his stomach as though he was in pains.

The man shoved his hand into the back of his pocket, revealing a rough edged dagger—slanting it close to Glen's throat.

Glen fell petrified, his pupil dilated and his breathing became more severe as though he was about to have a panic attack.

"I'm trying to be fucking nice here ya know? No one rejects me that easily, who the fuck do you even think you are?"

"I-I'm sorry, p-please don't hurt m-me." He faltered trembling against the wall.

"If you don't wanna get hurt better comply with me, I'll make it quick. Flip over."

Glen shrugged his hands in a defensive manner in compliance. The man snatched Glen by his T-shirt collar and flipped him around pressing the side of his face against the wall to restrain him with his hands—securing the dagger with his teeth and began to unbuckle his belt hastily with his freed hands.

Hearing the clanking sounds of his belt metal Glen began to whimper squinting his eyes. "Please don't do this." He said with plea in his tone.

He refrained himself from struggling seeing that the man has a knife with him. He thought to himself that struggling will only get him hurt.


Henry stomped out of the club bar crumpling his face nastily plastered with an irritated expression as he stared at his phone screen with the caller Id Secretary ralphael. The club music was extremely high for him to take a call.

He walked away from the club bar close the alley that man had dragged Glen into earlier, standing behind the wall of the alley aisle and raised his phone close to his ears.

With His face scrunching drastically he said. "Why the fuck are you so persistent?" He clenched his jaw, his forehead vein becoming thick. It was evident that he wasn't enjoying the phone call he was having.

"Tell my father that I am busy for today, if he can't wait till tomorrow to see me, then he can actually forget about it." He pinched his forehead frustratingly crinkling his brow.

"Resorting to threats now I see." He chortled out a short incredulous laughter obvious with a displeased smile. "Fuck his rules, I'm not going back home today."

He hung up the call and shove it back in his suit pocket grumbling—suddenly striking a kick to the wall.

He exhaled flickering his eyes stressed when he heard whimpering and groaning noises indistinctly from the dark alley space. He halted to listen intently when he heard shushing sound as though something bad was occurring in the darkness.

"What was that?" He muttered to himself and approached the source of the noise cautiously.

He turned on his flash light half way through his approach illuminating the incident that was apparent in front of him.

Glen was sobbing, pinned against the wall, his face wet and searing with tears, the pants of the man behind him were pulled down to his ankles.

They both flinched seeing Henry there unexpectedly. Glen's pupil was suddenly filled with expectations for him to step in.

Startled the man backed away from Glen swinging the dagger to stop Henry from approaching him. "Stay back!" He said as he pulled up his pants immediately.

Still in disbelief as Glen sobbed and trembled, an incredulous grin subconsciously emerged on Henry's face.

"Is this even happening right now?" He said with an amused grin, slowly covering his mouth as he realized he was smiling subconsciously.

He darted his gaze back to the unknown man still pointing his dagger at him, waiting for him to take close steps to attack.

In a cold expression Henry said. "Drop the dagger or things will soon get messy."

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you know him?" The man asked Henry feeling perturbed, darting his eyes around for an escape route.

Henry clenched his jaw extremely peeved towards the man's non compliance. "I'm already in a shitty mood right now, don't make it worse. Drop the dagger."

"Stop talking like you're the boss here!" The man yelled charging towards Henry with his dagger.


He groaned in pain as Henry twisted his arm making the knife to fall out of his hands.

Henry snatched the man by his leather jacket collar tumbling him to the floor. His back slamming to the hard floor with a loud thud.

His pupil blasted open from the pain as he groaned painfully.

While he struggled lethargically on the floor, Henry walked closer to him and stomped on his hands with a crunching sound as though his bones were getting shattered.


He screamed in pains trying to pull Henry's shoes away from his hands.

"You should've listened to me when I was asking nicely."

Henry said smiling derisively at the man—darting his darkened pupil to his hands grasping at the end of his suit pants tainting it with dust.

For some reasons, Henry looked like he was enjoying the pain that he was inflicting on the man. It was as though felt a sense of entertainment.

He snatched him by his collar once more up to his feet slamming multiple excruciatingly hard punches on his face.

Glen's heart thumped faster seeing Henry in an aggressive way, it scared the living out of him—he didn't dare to step in like he did with Williams.

It was more like he was petrified by Henry's vicious behavior.

Glen covered his mouth in aghast as the man's face bruised and bled from the punches.

The man sluggishly looked into Henry's eyes. His pupil dilated seeing Henry's expression was like that of a crazy psychopath having fun.

"P-please I'm sorry, let me go. I'll never show my face here again." He implored trembling.

Henry retracted his hands from his clothes, he fell to the ground and scampered away in terror.

Henry stood still for a few seconds, abruptly darting his cold gaze to Glen.

Glen flinched trembling against the wall as if he was trying to catch his breathe.

"For fuck's sake…why didn't you fight back?"

Glen stood there in silence jumbling with his thoughts. He is now with Henry, but Henry had said he would never look at another man the way he would to a woman.

He had finally ended up alone with Henry, contemplating wether he should confess, it might be the first and last time he gets to be alone with him again.

He patted his mouth to speak when Henry slammed his hands against the wall on the left side of his head causing him to become startled and he fell petrified.

"Answer me when I'm fucking talking to you. Is this what I get for saving your ass? Huh?"

He stared into Glen's teary eyes and could see that he was still somewhat terrified, but wasn't sure if it was him he was scared of.

He flicked his eyes down at Glen's undone pants and back to his face, noticing his beautiful green eyes and long blonde lashes that had become wet from his tears.

"I see why now. But you're gay, why didn't you just let that guy hit?"