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Mental Dinner

Kibe and Mrs.Mihara were eating breakfast. While Kibe was watching the astrology channel, Mrs.Mihara was doing some work on psych evals. Paperwork making sure the people she checked off were capable of going back to work. Kibe's eyes looked to her paperwork for a moment as he sipped his tea.

"What are you doing?" Mrs.Mihara asked smugly, Kibe took another sip of his tea.

"Those Psychological evaluations, are they on the police?" Kibe asked as he and his mother eye contact.

"Ah, from that look I'd say yes." Kibe said, thats when his mother would reach over flick Kibe in the head.

"Ow." He grunted

"Dont do that."she said waving her pen.

"Do what? What am I doing?" Kibe asked

"You know what, I'm not a patient nor will or should you be evaluating me." Mrs.Mihara said as she fixed her glasses and kept working. Kibe just looked at her and then finished sipping his drink.

"You know, while you've been out and about. The people in the states have had some rumors going around about their scientist, about them finding a wormhole. Ya'know, those fun little tubes in space." Mrs.Mihara said as she made childish space noises. Kibe chuckled as he poured himself some more tea.

"Wormholes are mere fiction, so technically is the rest of the universe." Kibe said

"The school has given you students a small break thanks to all this ruckus. Might give you a chance to finally make some more friends." Mrs.Mihara said

"Friends are like watches. I only need see them, reveal them, use them. When they're needed, otherwise they remain under my sleeve." Kibe said

"Sounds like you may be afraid to wear them on your sleeve." Mrs.Mihara said as she checked off a box.

"Are you psychoanalyzing me?" Kibe asked to which his mother just chuckled. Kibe and her continued to enjoy they're early morning. Exercising together, both doing yoga and helping the other distress they're muscles. Kibe went to the kitchen and grinded up some leaves and herbs in a bowl. He then began to grind them and mix them into a tea.

"So, shall we?" Mrs.Mihara said, Kibe looked to her and then went back to stirring the herbs and tea.

"Your memories, you say you've been seeing them come and churn together right? Like a mixture." Mrs.Mihara said

"...My memories, I've begun to question the validation of some of them. The jump in between some years has given me some worry.

But nothing too bad, I do believe that my keys to most of obstacles. If I'm to call them that. Do indeed rest within my memory palace.

Placed on my shelves of human psychology and behavioral management." Kibe said as he finished steering and smelt his sedative tea. Mrs.Mihara looked at her hands.

"Remember, your memory palace and what you put in there are entirely up to you. No-" thats when a knock at the door would occur. Kibe began to drink his sedative tea, which opened up his mind and heightened his sensors. He then walked out into the backyard while Mrs.Mihara answered the door to see Jun standing there. Wearing a blue hoodie, sweat pants and sneakers.

"Oh my, well hello there." Mrs.Mihara said as she fixed her hair. Jun bowed and then stood tall.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jun. I'm sure you heard my name from the news, but I wanted to talk to him.

I owe him." Jun said as she scratched the back of her head.

"Well, by all means." Mrs.Mihara said as she gestured for her to come in. Jun then took off her shoes and walked inside. It was strange from her home. The place smelt brand new, like as if no one was living here. She walked forward and saw the living room. Saw the TV and then the entrance into the kitchen.

"My god this place is bland, theres no sense of they're pressence here. Well Kibe is a bit..weird." Jun thought as her mind wondered back to when she saw Kibe at the warehouse.

"My perception of him is completely warped now." Jun thought, thats when Mrs.Mihara would tap on Jun's shoulder.

"Hey, do you like tea?" She asked

"Oh uh, well. I'm not the biggest fan. I drink coffee way more often." Jun said smiling, the two ladies seemed to be getting along swimmingly.

"You know coffee can cause anxiety and insomnia, right?" Said Kibe, Jun and Mihara looked over to see him leaning aginst the fridge stirring his tea. Jun gave a light smile to him with Kibe nodding to her. Mrs.Mihara looked at both of them before clapping her hands together.

"Alright then, I'm going to go and head to work. We have some new blood coming into fray, so I've been instructed to give them a hand.

You two have fun." Mrs.Mihara said as she walked over and grabbed her coat and bags. Jun bowed to her and Kibe nodded.

"If you have sex please be safe about, momma isn't looking for grandkids just yet." Mrs.Mihara teased, which caused Jun's face to turn burning hot with Kibe rolling his eyes.

"EH!?" Jun squealed

"Goodbye mother. Have a nice day. No rush for you to get back." Kibe said as his mother chuckled and then closed the door behind her. Jun smacked her cheeks. Still flustered, Kibe then walked past her and stood in front of her.

"So, Jun. What can I do you for? Preferably nothing too exhausting." Kibe asked as he began walking towards the kitchen.

"Tea?" He asked

"Uh, no, Coffee please." Jun said, Kibe tilted his head to her and then shrugged. He then went to his coffee maker and began to brew some.

"How do you take it?" Kibe asked

"Uh black please." Jun said as she took off her hood, revealing her long-sleeve. Kibe began to brew the black coffee while Jun sat down in the living-room.

"Don't you think its weird that you pointed out Kenji to be the trickster, only for it to be revealed by Ryota himself it was Takashi?" Jun asked

"There was a section of it speaking on the possibility of Ryota and Kenji to being psychicly driven. Allowing for such a thing to be posisble." Kibe said as he was finishing up the coffee.

"I don't know, don't you think its just off?" Jun asked to which Kibe shook his head.

"I'm not interested in what goes on in the heads of those; that would rather ponder about the mathematical functionality of trigonometry than if they need to. I don't know- Not leave the toilet seat open after using the loo." Kibe said, Jun chuckled at that as Kibe walked over and sat next to Jun. He then handed her the black coffee. She nodded and took a sip. All Kibe could do is look at her as she poured that disgusting liquid down her gullet.

"...I really must introduce you to a better substance to pour down your esophagus.

There are plenty of healthy teas out there. You seem like a jasmine kind of person." Kibe said

"Heheh, you trying to sell me on it?" Jun smirked

"Only if your willing to try. I never force anything on anyone, unless they're completely hopeless." Kibe said

"Well then, I'll have to try one out. However, only if your willing to come to my house for dinner." Jun said, to which Kibe's eyes then drew closer to Jun. The idea of him being in the same home as Mr.Nakayama.

"Thats quite the offer, I appreciate that." Kibe said

"Yea, I just wanted to give you some thanks for before.

...so will I see you there? Tonight?" Jun asked

"Tonight, sure. I'll be there." Kibe said, Jun smiled and she almost hugged him too, but she hesitated and just backed away.

"Oh un, sorry. I just, it means a lot that someone would be willing to go out of they're way to save me.

Most of my life I've had to be dependent on myself." Jun said as she leaned back. Kibe then walked over to the kitchen and began to make some more tea.

"Sounds rather lonely, not even your mother was there? I assume from a lot of work." Kibe said

"...Yea, she worked a lot. Same for my father at the time. Now hes been sucked into this wonderland case.

Its almost been as intriguing and brain racking as his old cannibal case." Jun said, Kibe then walked over and handed her a cup of tea to which she grabbed unknowingly while Kibe already was sipping his.

"The Cannibal case, also called the Goodluck Killer. Entirely motivated for whatever reasons he deems accurate at the time.

His pattern was always changing, his name was Naoki Bamba. Caught by your father, Toma Nakayama." Kibe said, Jun sipped her drink. She didn't even know it was tea, she was so taken aback by Kibe's knowledge and just how much he already knew. Taken in by his charm. Which went beyond charismatic traits itself and fell more down to bewitchment.

"Wow, someone knows they're stuff. Then again, you are the one who seems to be just short of perfect scores on our exams." Jun said

"Exams are wasteful, everything we know and are taught have no need to be flung back at us in abstract form. In an attempt to prove our intellectual capacity." Kibe said

"Test do good to refresh, help us keep on track." Jun said taking another sip of her tea as Kibe leaned aginst the entrance of the living room.

"Can I, if you don't mind. Give my analysis on you?" Jun asked, Kibe's eyes momentarily flicked to the stairs before he then looked to Jun again.

"Poursuivre." Kibe said in french, as he took a sip of his tea. Jun took a minute, she didn't know what he said, but assumed it was a yes to her question.

"You are a perfectionist. You seem to know the world, very well. You don't care for it, but seem more intrigued than anything else.

You like to be left out of sight and mind, even your home is close enough to the school that you can walk to it, but far enough to not be noticed.

You seem almost nonexistent." Jun said, Kibe's eyes stared at her. He was intrigued on her observation of his person-suit and just how she was capable of observing Nori Kibe. Though again, it was what was meant to be seen. Not what is to be.

"Very nice look into my person Jun, you are definitely your father's daughter." Kibe said which got a smile out of Jun.

"Tell me, what happened again? After your father caught Naoki I mean." Kibe asked

"He shot him, right in the head. He did it out of revenge. For the cannibal eating my aunt." Jun said

"That part, yes." Kibe thought as he finished his tea. Jun finished her drink too as she got up and grabbed her coat. Kibe helped her put it on, she wasn't expecting the formality, but she didn't reject it either. She put her hands in her pockets as he and Kibe walked to the front door.

"Your education, I'm honestly curious. I was homeschooled for a long while before going to public school. My mother makes for a excellent teacher, which is why I must warn you. Before you come over. She is very much a talker, she is almost in love with academics and politics more than she is with my father." Jun chuckled, Kibe nodded in a sense he is familiar with the same energy that such an environment can bring.

"In the earliest moments, documented in my memory palace, I was in the company of a family psychiatrist. A friend of my mother, her tutor or professor so to speak.

So I assure you, I know exactly how you feel on the matter of a very well educated family system. Though my father wasn't too into the field of psychological studies himself." Kibe said as he put his hand on the doornob with Jun waiting behind.

"Oh, what was your father like? I assume he's gone seeing how you used past tense for him." Jun asked, Kibe paused for a moment. His eyes lingering on the doornob for a moment. The sound of a loaded gun and it being fired sped through his mind. He then looked back at Jun.

"He was a good man, I believe. He worked in art and dealt with persevering cultures and they're masterpieces.

He loved what he did, I'm sure of it.

I don't know why he did what he did that day...all I know is that he was angry, more angry than I ever thought a human could possibly be. He let his irrational voices take over and it caused him to shoot my mother in her leg.

She kicked him and caused him to drop the gun, which I picked up." Kibe said, Jun covered her mouth in shock.


"Yes, I shot and killed my father." Kibe said

"You were just trying to protect her from that monster." Jun said as Kibe opened the door, putting a hand on her shoulder. The day outside had gone to evening and it was cold, though not chilly.

"I believe so too, but in the time I've grown and my mind with me. I've begun to ask myself.

Did I kill the monster that day?


Did I save it?" Kibe said, Jun looked at him puzzled at his implication and his wording. He gently moved her out the door.

"I'll see you at dinner." Kibe said

"Uhh yea, I'll send you the address." Jun said as Kibe closed the door. He locked it and then turned around to see Himmy siting on the stairs.

"Evening." Kibe said, Himmy was wearing black a long-sleeve, a skull decorated her shirt and her pants matched along with he shoes.

"Evening. Prick." Himmy said as Kibe fixed the collar of his shirt as he walked to the stairs, stopping right before them.

"I thought we had evolved past name calling." Kibe said

"Sorry, am I supposed to be kissing your ass because your smart? Like little miss detective." Himmy said

"I imagine intellectual debates can often encourage a rear-end smooching contest." Kibe said with which Himmy rolled her eyes at. Kibe looked at her and saw her eyes were darting around and she was holding herself.

"Whats wrong? Why are you here?" Kibe asked

"...I...I thought I saw Juo while I was out." Himmy said

"What you witnessed was Juo leaving your mind, your letting him go. The process cannot be interrupted, you must let it take its hold over you. Your life is slowly changing. Nothing wrong with that." Kibe said

"It scares me...I don't know what I'll be when he's gone or who I'll be." Himmy said

"Don't worry, I'll be right here to assure you that it all goes according to how I said." Kibe said

"Yea, if I followed everything you said I'd be a robot like you." Himmy said

"Hm, a robot with some sense and decency." Kibe said as he fixed his shirt and checked his phone for the time. He then walked past Himmy with her following him to his room. She leaned aginst the doorframe as Kibe walked over and grabbed a black turtleneck and some shoes. He looked at them.

"Your not honestly going to that dinner in that? You always wear those stupid turtlenecks." Himmy said

"What do you mean stupid? They're practical and simple." Kibe said

"Yea, simply boring. You might as well tell the detective your the white rabbit." Himmy said

"One, thats not how psychology works. Well sort of. It has more to do with the personality than with the clothes, Hitler could be dressed like a hobo and so long as his acting was good. Never would be caught, but good job your learning. Very impressed.

Two, its dinner. Not an investigation." Kibe said, he took off his shirt and began to put on his clothes as Himmy walked over and sat on his bed.

"You think that'll stop him?" Himmy asked, resting her head on her hand as Kibe straightened his pants.

"Well, no. No not really." Kibe said

"So then why are you going in the most boring clothes on the face of the fucking planet?" Himmy asked

"Because its what I would wear." Kibe said

"Your mom picked out your wardrobe." Himmy said

"Exactly." Kibe said. He kept on fixing himself up as he stood in front of the mirror on his room. Himmy sighed as she watched him get dressed and even put on some cologne.

"This isn't going to work." Himmy said, Kibe looked back to her.

"Why not?" Kibe said

"You've only fooled psychos and stupid bimbo girls." Himmy said as she sighed.

"Thats not true, your smart." Kibe said, Himmy's heart skipped a beat. Her face a little flushed. She looked at Kibe, her face filled with conflict. She cover her mouth with her hand. Kibe's eyes looked at her before he grabbed his watch from the counter.

"Y-...I-...Don't do that." Himmy said, her voice faint and spoken with sorrowful struggles. Kibe walked over to her as she stood up.

"Do what? Its a compliment Himmy, you should take it." Kibe said, Himmy then put hand to her side. It moved a few inches forward.

"Why...are you going there?" Himmy asked in a whisper, Kibe looked and noticed her hand moving a little towards his. He tilted his head just a bit before his finger gently grazed her own.

"...Ask me why not." Kibe said, Himmy's fingers touched and interlocked slightly with Kibe's.

"Always a answer for everything." Himmy said as her head and eyes looked up to Kibe who looked down to her. They're faces getting a little close. Until-

"HEY YOU TWO!" Mrs.Mihara shouted as she burst into the room, with Himmy pushing Kibe away, he backed up a few steps while Himmy went falling on her back onto Kibe's bed.

"Oooooh, I'm sorry. Was i interrupting?" Mrs.Mihara asked with a snicker in her voice.

"No, you weren't. I was just leaving." Kibe said

"Yea, he was. He has dinner reservations." Himmy said

"Oh really now, well don't let me stop you then." Mrs.Mihara said

"What are you doing back by the way?" Kibe asked

"Oh, I forgot some paperwork. So I came back." Mrs.Mihara said

"Its been two and half hours." Kibe said, Himmy looked at Kibe and then his mother.

"Ok, young man. Are you my father now? I'll be in and out of this house when I please. Have fun on your date." Mrs.Mihara said in a stern voice, it shocked Himmy cause she had never heard Mihara so aggressive before yet Kibe was completely unfazed. As usual. She then walked out and closed the door behind her.

"What the fuck? What was that about?" Himmy asked, the moment she looked to Kibe again thats when he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her in close. Her head next to his and her body pressed against his. Himmy's face was completely read, red as a tomato.

"I-...Uh! K-Kibe!"Himmy stuttered

"Be quiet and don't speak a word. Listen closely." Kibe whispered, Himmy then realized this wasn't an advance on their last interaction. This was a secret task being delivered.

"Listen carefully; a night prior my mother was drunk and telling Mr.Miyuki a story I have no recollection of. I waited till she was sober to ask her about it.

She claimed no such thing existed. That the story she said never happened.

But when I entered the house that day she told it, she was speaking from fear. That wasn't any story, that was a memory. A memory I also have fuzzy recollection of deep in my mind. I believe she's hiding something from me. Something just like Kiko is. No doubt she's listening to us now. Which is why I have to do this.

Something that has to do with my past. In her room there's something, I know there is. I need you to go and search her room while she's gone.

She won't be back once she leaves. You can stay in my room. In case she does come back, change my bedroom lock. Look under my bed. You'll know how to do it." Kibe said as he then backed his head away before going in and giving Himmy a kiss on the cheek. Himmy backed away, feeling her cheek. She didn't know how to react. However her eyes then moved to the door. She saw it gently close itself again. Hardly even noticeable if you weren't paying attention.

"I swear that closed before." Himmy thought, she then looked to Kibe and saw him getting ready to leave as he grabbed his bag. Himmy just watched him.

"A call from Kiko should arrive on my way to the dinner. The address will be sent to me by Jun and now, some information that my mother has been withholding from me.

Seems like I'll be getting quite informed this night." Kibe said.