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Declaration of War

Kibe and Dr.Tomomasa stared at one another from across the room. Both facing at each other, but both looking deeper than that. Dr.Tomomasa stared at Kibe, but all he saw through his eyes were the machine. The one who operated based entirely on objective and never the subjective. One who say things clearly as they were and what they could be.

Dr.Tomomasa nodded as he grabbed his glass. "I didn't know we had an appointment, you'll have enough check in with my-"

"Don't worry, this won't take long. Have a seat." Kibe said as he gestured to the other chair in front of him. Dr.Tomomasa stared at it for a moment before he walked over with his drink and sat down. The two looked at one another.

"Tell me something doctor, how long have you done therapy?" Kibe asked.

"Around 30 years, far longer than you've been born. I graduated from a school France, it taught mostly psychological syndromes and sociopathic patterns. The rest I learned elsewhere." Said Dr.Tomomasa as he took a sip of his drink. Kibe leaned forward a bit. "Do you know of a connection between the normal and sociopathic? That perhaps that they're just the same, but merely layed." Kibe said.

"The Ego, SuperEgo and Id. Sigmund Freud." Dr.Tomomasa said.

"...Which am I?" Kibe asked. Dr.Tomomasa looked at him, he put his drink down on the glass table next to his chair and leaned forward. Him and Kibe sharing eye contact.

"I don't believe I can categorize what you are. In our previous sessions when you were young. You described that you no longer dreamed, but instead relived moments from the past. Yet unlike most others, you can see, speak and move through them like you were living them again.

A living memory inside your memory palace. One that you can freely walk back and forth into. Those that you interact with act and behave just as they would if you spoke to them now.

Do you still have those dreams?" Dr.Tomomasa asked to which Kibe then leaned back, his hands clasping together. Kibe came here for a specific reason, but he needed this moment too. The last person who knew so much about him. The only other person in his head as much as he was, he needed to talk to Dr.Tomomasa. Rather it he for a moment or less.

"...I've been having flashes of my past. In a place called the pale palace." Kibe said, Dr.Tomomasa stared at him. He wore his poker face expertly. Better than Mr.Nakayama and even Kiko. Kibe almost couldn't even read him, if wasn't for the fact that he noticed the slight movements in his fingers. The way his breathing was and of course his eyes. Kibe stared at him with Dr.Tomomasa doing the same. Dr.Tomomasa just from looking at him, Kibe could tell he was just as good of a observationist as he is. Maybe even better.

"Come on doctor. Surley you already knew that was going to come up. Afterall, you do know me." Kibe said. Dr.Tomomasa smiled for a brief moment before he sat up and folded his arms.

"Tell me something Kibe, do you believe in a utopia? The ultimate perfectionist dream. A world where everyone is of equal intellect and of proper value." Dr.Tomomasa asked. "Sounds like a monarchy soaked in gold glitter and decorated with silver daggers. A utopia can't exist. Not in this world." Kibe said

"Maybe, but if the right elements were introduced-"

"Is that what the Pale Palace promised?" Kibe asked. Dr.Tomomasa once again gave Kibe nothing to read off of when it came to his expressions. Kibe could only read what he felt were the microexpressions he was displaying. "Did they say if you helped them, helped teach those children. That they would make a paradise. One like the garden of Eden or Atlantis? Heaven." Kibe asked.

"Paradises are called paradises because of the fictional implications that come from them. A utopia is a evolutionary idea, one that if given the right motivation. Can become a reality." Dr.Tomomasa said.

"You're very good at dismissiveness, a professional manipulator." Kibe said

"Everyone manipulates people, rather if its you telling someone you're fine on a bad day or telling someone a little white lie in order to prevent pain. Manipulation at the end of the day, is useful tool for providing comfort.

Its the monsters who use it for wickedness that we look out for." Dr.Tomomasa said.

"So what are you then? A monster? Or a man using it to provide comfort to others." Kibe asked.

"I use it however my patients wish me to use." Dr.Tomomasa said. Kibe stared at Dr.Tomomasa as he grabbed his glass and softly stirred it around. "Now Kibe, I have to ask. What is it that is troubling you so much that you felt the need to visit me after all these years?

You haven't need my therapy since you were a boy." Dr.Tomomasa asked.

"Yes, very convenient." Kibe said. Him and Dr.Tomomasa continued to stare at one another.

"How long have you been with the Pale Palace?" Kibe asked, Dr.Tomomasa snickered as he took a quick sip of his drink. "I'm not sure of this place you're speaking of, but I can play in metaphors. If it helps you come to an understanding." Dr.Tomomasa said


"Metaphors are a way of using the fake to tell the truth of the real; without really associating one with the other." Dr.Tomomasa said

"Then when does the metaphor start becoming real. When you realize thats its part of your life or when you realize the metaphor is your life." Kibe asked

"Thats the question most ask when it comes to dreams or lucid hallucinations of previous or future events." Dr.Tomomasa said. Kibe didn't answer or have a comment on what he said. He just stared.

"Great work doctor. My goodness, you know just what to say. I underestimated your capabilities." Kibe said

"Heh, I'll take that as a compliment." Dr.Tomomasa said. Kibe nodded as the two were once again back at a stalemate with one another. "Yes, you're very impressive. But you must understand that I'm not here for therapy, though this brief session has been very good. Its no wonder you were able to manipulate me as well as you did." Kibe said as he stood up.

"Now Kibe, I didn't come over just so-" thats when, quicker than Dr.Tomomasa could react. Kibe grabbed him by the neck, Dr.Tomomasa grabbed his arms almost just as quick, but Kibe already was locked around on his throat. He noticed that Kibe had on a black gove with the hand he had grabbed him with him.

"Gr- ack!" Dr.Tomomasa grunted as Kibe held his grip forcefully. No sign of letting go.

"You've mistaken my visit for one of formal means. At least in your case. I'm here to send a message to the pale palace and Dr.Abel. Tell them I'm done playing they're little game, I'm not they're experiment nor they're lab rat. I refuse to have my life dictated by dimwitted visionaries who believe in a fictitious future for humanity.

Tell them that any further involvement with my life will result in their immediate termination.

Blink twice if you understand, once if you don't want to breathe through your esophagus anymore." Kibe said. Dr.Tomomasa stared at him for a moment, his eyes filled with surprise and yet wonder. He blinked twice. "Good." Kibe said, thats when he quickly grabbed Dr.Tomomasa's jaw and would break it. The man then fell back in his chair struggling to get away. Kibe watched as he struggled to get up. Blood seeped from his mouth as he tried his best to fix his broken jaw. Kibe slowly walked over putting the other glove on as his other hand.

"You seem suprised, but only a little.

Whatever must happen, needs to happen. Just so long as the subject continues to show results. Isn't that how science works doctor? Did you gather that this might happen? Did you read my thoughts? Counter-thoughts? Reasoning and thinking?

Did you come to the conclusion that your death would be imminent?" Kibe said as he watched Dr.Tomomasa crawl on the flood. Kibe then grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him along the floor. He dragged him until he was to his chair. To which Kibe then grabbed him and put into it. Holding him still by his shoulders. Dr.Tomomasa still staring at Kibe, suprised by his actions. Kibe still looked at him with indifference, watching as Dr.Tomomasa gaggled and chocked on his own blood.

"Oh come on. You didn't honestly believe I would let you go ahead and send them a message for me. No, Dr.Tomomasa. You are the message. Honestly I hope that they take this as a warning, but some part of me. A small part of me that remembers what they did. Hopes that they do come.

So I can tear them apart. From the inside." Kibe said as he then looked on Dr.Tomomasa's desk and found a pair of scissors. Kibe grabbed them, Dr.Tomomasa's muffled screams and pleads landed on deaf ears as Kibe then began to use the scissors on Dr.Tomomasa.

And hour afterwards, 1AM. Mrs.Mihara would get a text from Dr.Tomomasa. she checked her phone in her bed.

"Its the Machine, they've made a breakthrough. Come to the office immediately!" Said the text. Mrs.Mihara looked at it with shock as she immediately got up and dressed. She drove down to Swan River General Hospital and got to Dr.Tomomasa's office. She knocked on the door. "Tomomasa? Its me, Nori. I got your text." Mrs.Mihara said as she then opened the door. When she got in she saw that he was turned to the window. The room was dimly lit. She looked around and closed the door behind her.

"...Tomomasa?" Mrs.Mihara asked as she nervously walked closer to his desk, thats when she stepped in something wet. She looked down and saw blood on the ground. She nearly yelled as she covered her mouth moving back a few paces. She fell back aginst the cabinets and silver tray holding the doctor's liquor and silverware. "OH- OH MY GOD!" she muttered.

"No. Not God." Said a terrifyingly familiar voice, she turned her head slowly and saw nonother than her own son. Kibe standing in front of the photo of the twins. He slowly walked over to her. She skirted away from him and to the corner.

"She isn't aware of this side of me. She never has been, if she truly was part of the pale palace. She is terrified, petrified.

She will never see me the same again.

...I don't want her to. This is my life, now. From this moment forward I can't allow any connections with my past to bind me. Even you." Kibe thought as he stopped in front of her. Tears rushed down her face, she was distraught. Her face mortified by what she was seeing. Kibe's black gloves were covered in blood.

He then crouched to her, her eyes focused on him.

"You may not be the with the pale palace, but you're a good second. Seeing how you answered the text from Dr.Tomomasa." Kibe said as he waved Dr.Tomomasa's phone on the air before he then threw it against a far wall breaking it. Mrs.Mihara was very skittish and fearful, her eyes painted with fear of Kibe. Kibe then reached out to her, her face still tearful as Kibe grabbed her hand gently.

"You...aren't really my mother. Are you? Just another piece of my fabricated past that they made for me. You bathed me, helped me to make a friend. Ouchi Mi. Isn't that convenient? Then I end up with a therapist. Dr.Tomomasa. All part of the same play, all orchestrating the same game.

Did you even think for second, did you even believe for moment, see me as your actual son?" Kibe asked, Mrs.Mihara looked at him slowly. Her lip quivering. She slowly shook her head. And with that, Kibe finally got his confirmation. Everything was a lie. His mother, his therapist and Mi...

Kibe stood up and sighed. He looked out to the window, and then put his hands behind his back.

"K-Kibe please....I'm sorry..my precious boy. I-" suddenly though Kibe would then wrap his hands around Mrs.Mihara's neck. He began strangle the life out of her. She wiggled and squirmed wildly. Kibe's eyes focused on her. She squeaked and grunted as Kibe then applied %5 of his strength, removed one of his hands and effortlessly snapped Mrs.Mihara's neck. The crack and sound was more than the breaking of a neck. In that moment...Kibe could feel the severance between his past growing greater and himself more free. He felt old gates within his memory palace opening wider and wider.

There he saw brief flashes of papers being signed. Of Mrs.Mihara and Dr.Abel along with a few others chatting in one of the many halls of the pale palace. Kibe's face would grow more than emotionless, his face was now hollow. Any sign or feeling of expression, even microexpressions no longer appeared on his face. Whatever humanity that was left in Kibe now was infinitesimal. Nori Kibe, the part of him that Mrs.Mihara had created for Japan now was gone.

The only thing now, was the machine wearing the skin of Nori Kibe.

Kibe would open his eyes, he looked down at Mrs.Mihara's corpse her face petrified in fear his hand still on her throat. He then dropped her body and walked over to the sink, washing his gloves before he put them back in his bag. He then looked over to the Dr.Tomomasa's computer. He would grab it and then take it with him. As he walked to the door and turned off the light before leaving.

Later that morning, Kibe would leave his home for school. As he locked the door he'd then smell a familiar scent.

"Come out Mi, I can smell you. You really should think of wearing a different shampoo. Anyone from a helicopter could smell you." Kibe said as he turned to see Mi standing at the bottom of the steps to his home. Kibe walked down to her. His bag at his side. Mi looked at Kibe with eyes of worry and guilt. He could tell that she knew he was acting differently. Rather it was because of the fact he knew of her or of something was not so telling. She was wearing winter clothes. Kibe wasn't. Just his normal uniform.

"Kibe...I...I need to talk to you. Theres something I feel that's been drifting us apart. I feel like as if you're not yourself." Mi said

"Thats interesting, since when did you know me so well?" Kibe asked as he started walking. Mi walking beside him.

"I'm being serious, I'm worried about you. I wish you would talk to me.

...I heard about you're mother. I'm sorry." Mi said as they reached a crosswalk. Kibe stood there, showing nothing. No remote sign that he even was affected by what she just said. Mi was horrified at just how cutoff he really was. "You're hurting. I get that. But you must be willing to open yourself up to others." Mi said as she touched Kibe's shoulder, yet he looked to her like she couldn't fathom anything.

"...Kibe. Why won't you talk to me?" Mi asked. Cars passed by them.

"Mi, I will honor the time you've given me. In respect to the laws of equal exchange. However..." Kibe said

"However?" Mi asked, Kibe them looked to her and with his other hand, removed her's from his arm.

"Don't pretend to know me. Cause the truth is Ouchi Mi.

You honestly know nothing about me. Nor ever will." Kibe said, his voice wasn't cold nor was it hollow. His voice didn't even seem to be a voice anymore. It was like an automatic message being played to her. Like as if he couldn't be bothered to even put a hint of feeling into trying to sound human around her. Which in reality, he didn't. As he would never shown anything. Not even a fake shed of emotion to anyone associated with the pale palace or the world of Intellectualism.

Kibe and Mi stared at one another, Mi's face showing sorrow as Kibe's words weren't just robotic, but they were his letter of resignation. Parting himself away from their relationship in the only way he could. As deep down that small cent of humanity that indeed did exist, couldn't and wouldn't allow himself to kill her. No matter how much he thought of doing so. Mi slowly backed away from Kibe as the light signaling for them to cross came on. Kibe then turned from her and walked away leaving her behind.

At school Kibe would be sitting down in the cafeteria, reading about utopian philosophy and or utopianism. Every page and article he read about it, was more books, more pages added to his memory palace. He leaned his head on his hand as he read on them. Thats when he felt someone sit next to him. He didn't pay them any mind as he kept about his own business.

"Wow, what a nice book. Does it have any pictures? Or do you draw those after." Said a disturbingly familiar voice. Kibe's eyes then turned to see nonother than Brandon Wright sitting next to him. Brandon displaying his usual and casual devilish smile. Kibe now wearing his new face too. Kibe scanned Brandon, but it didn't take him long to see what it was that was happening. Brandon was wearing the school uniform. Same as Kibe. Yet Brandon's was a little more lose, the tie for instance was missing.

"Mr.Nakayama, you once again suprise me. It would seem that you indeed are throwing away what I did too.

You're using Brandon. Question is, does he even know what you've thrown him to?" Kibe said.