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The Role of the Fool

Kenji, Kat and Brandon all stood in surprise at just what Eiji had said.

"W-What did he just say?!" Brandon thought. Kenji was dumbfounded as to what had just happened. "Eiji, what the hell are you doing?" Kenji asked.

"I could ask that exact same question, Brandon Wright." Eiji said.

"W-Wait. Brandon Wright?" Kenji said suprised. Thats when Kenji would remember when he met Kibe at the airstrip again, only this time it'd be when Kibe was just about to get in the jet. Kenji was beginning to walk away.

Kibe would stop again and turn his head around. "You should be weary, Moriyama." Kibe said. Kenji looked to him. "What?" Kenji asked.

"Brandon Wright, hes a agent that works with me. He will stop at nothing to get the truth.

Be careful of what moves you play with him." Kibe said before he got in the jet. Kenji watched as the door closed behind him. Thats when he was returned to the present, where he, Brandon and Kat all stood infront of Eiji.

"A confession?! No, this...this can't be right. He was just supposed to-"

"I see a layer of suprise on your face Mr.Wright, you must be in quite the ray of disbelief." Eiji said. "Hes...hes throwing me off. Thats why Bato isn't here and why he's admitting to Kibe being the white rabbit. He wants to get my scent off the trail.

...damn him." Brandon thought. Kenji looked to Brandon. "He lied about the name, I should have guessed from the name Fraudrin. This guy doesn't look to be French at all." Kenji thought.

"Why are you just confessing to that?" Brandon asked

"Because I have an angel. We all do. Something that can't be helped once you're in Nori Kibe's pocket.

However, when an opportunity arises to get you out. You take it. Which is what I'm doing." Eiji said

"..." Kenji had no idea what to think of the situation. All he could do is act the best he could. Brandon looked away, turning his back to them. All while Kat continued to find enjoyment in all of this. Eiji looked to Brandon. His head tilting just a bit. He walked towards Brandon, stopping just short behind him.

Brandon shook his head a bit. His face still not visible. "You shouldn't have come..." Brandon muttered. "I know you thought you had the upper hand. That you were in control here, but thats simply not the case." Eiji said as Brandon slowly turned to him. A face of defeat painted on him, his eyes went to Kat quickly and then back to Eiji.

"Sorry to break the news to you, but your out of your depth." Eiji said. Brandon's eyes searched the ground for a bit, his eyes then see just how far Kat was to them by seeing where her foot was for a moment before looking at his own feet.

"Shouldn't have come..." Brandon muttered again.

"What?" Eiji asked trying to listen. "I said, if you didn't want to incriminate yourself. You shouldn't have showed up." Brandon said as his eyes then got focused and looked at him. Suddenly the entire shift of tone in the situation changed. The power now shifting to Brandon suddenly, it was like he just took control. Eiji noticed it immediately.

"Excuse me?" Eiji asked

"You came here to confuse me, you wanted to scatter me. You come here to admit that Kibe is the white rabbit when you and I both know doing that means the opposite." Brandon said as he tossed the hammer to the ground. Kat watched as the hammer landed close to her feet. "I'm not trying to do anything, I'm doing exactly what I set out to do." Eiji said.

"Yes you are, very well too. You would have had me too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids." Brandon said with a smirk. Eiji looked at him a bit unsure. "What?" He asked.

"Just a reference, you may have come here to stir the pot, but all you did was just prove to me that you, your friends and Kibe all know each other. Not only that, but that he is infact the white rabbit." Brandon said. Eiji just looked at him.

"You see I was never betting on Bato coming here, it was always going to be you Eiji. Its just like you said. Gotta get out of that pocket.

Well, consider yourself out, but now...well your in my pocket." Brandon said with a smirk. He folded his arms while Eiji looked at Kenji who was just as amused at what was happening. Kat held her hands behind her back.

"Heh, as amusing as that is, there won't be any way for you to get something like what you've stated out of me. Its just guess-work." Eiji said.

"Maybe, but I'll tell you what isn't guess-work, keeping a girl waiting. At some point they just snap yaknow? Yeesh right?" Brandon said, Eiji was confused until suddenly through the corner of his eyes he'd see Kat spring into action and try to slam the hammer that Brandon had thrown on his head, but he caught it with quick reflexes and great precision. He caught the hammer in his hand overhead. Kenji and Brandon backed up a bit from the sudden attack.

Kat struggled, but Eiji was surprisingly strong.

"Nice reflexes." Brandon said "Did you really think that I wouldn't notice that? You tossing the hammer her way? Clever, but not subtle. And your supposed to be a detective?" Eiji said while he kept his eyes on Kat, Brandon's eyes then looked down for a moment and noticed the slight shift in Kenji's shadow. A leg move.

"...Your right that wasn't subtle, but this is." Brandon said as he then dodged out of the way for Kenji to spring forward and sucker punch Eiji in the face sending his head jolting to the right. The impact was strong and the attack felt like he had been nailed by a shotgun to the face. Drool and wads of blood went flying from his mouth, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head.

The moment it ended Kenji then delivered another blow to Eiji's stomach causing him to fold. He coughed up vomit, spit and blood as he let go of Kat and collapsed onto one knee. He coughed and shook violently. Brandon backed away as Kat then reeled her arm back with the hammer.

"hehehhAHAHAH!" Kat laughed as she then swung her hammer and- BOOM! With a loud and disturbing crack, wacked Eiji in the back of the head knocking him to the floor and causing him to fall to the floor. Brandon looked down at him and finally took a sigh of relief, thats when Kat would pounce on Eiji's unconscious body and go for another swing, but would be caught by Brandon. She looked up at him.

"Sorry, but that'll do for the hammer time shenanigans." Brandon said. Kat looked at him mild frustration. Brandon grabbed the hammer from her and then threw onto the table. He coughed a bit and looked at the back of Eiji's head. "Ouch, not enough meds for that." Brandon said. He then looked to Kenji with a goofy smile while Kenji stared down at Eiji. Breathing heavily before composing himself.

"How'd you know I was going to do that?" Kenji asked. Brandon scratched his head for a moment before he shrugged.

"I didn't. I just played my cards and hoped they would go in my favor." Brandon said. Kenji nodded as he looked at Kat slightly kicking Eiji who groaned, still unconscious. "Heheh, severe head injury right there. Bad swing on my part though, oh poopy. Was hoping I would have busted his skull in." Kat pouted crouching next to him and rubbing Eiji's head. The blood filling her hand from his head injury.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure get you good next time. Hehe." Kat chuckled. Kenji and Brandon looked from Kat and back to each other. "Bullshit, you knew for certain I was going to do that." Kenji said.

"I mean, maybe. I had a feeling. You see the thing with people and their desires and wants, is that you can't stop them.

Since we were all kids, we've acted on them. We still hold that feeling of wanting to act on wants and needs, its just suppressed by logic and reasoning. Throw those away and your subconscious opens and let's out the child in you.

You then just act." Brandon said. Kenjj tilted his head at him before walking to the table and put his hand on it. "...So how'd you know? That he would show up? I assume from what you said you tricked him. No easy trick." Kenji said.

"Hmp, well yesterday I did or may have done something to provoke them." Brandon said. Kenji's eyebrow raised.

Thats when Brandon began to explain what had happened the previous day.

"You see, when I went to the cafe that day. I was there for Bato, but the moment I saw Eiji I just knew who I had to fish for." Brandon said as the memory of him at the cafe with Bato and his group began to play in his head.

"How could you fish for him? He didn't show any tells or signs. The guy is a brick wall." Kenji asked.

"Ah you see thats just the thing." Brandon said, thats when the memory of him being thrown onto the table would play in his mind. Remembering how he looked at everyone there, from Piko to Junna. "I was watching them. You see I can tell a psycho from a sociopath like Monday and Tuesday. Its that easy.

They weren't easy to read though, they didn't have tells. Nor signs, its just how they held themselves and how they spoke to each other or lack there of. Bato is a control freak, he doesn't let anyone or anything rain over him or even under him without him knowing it. He wouldn't make a move, not with so much at stake. So if he really had something aginst Kibe well he certainly wouldn't fall for my trick.

Now Eiji was different or I should say indifferent. He had no presentation to himself. Didn't even really talk at all if I remember. He was so much concerned with whatever he was thinking instead of what was happening at the present time. Hes a thinker. Someone who achives greatness out of wit and cunning, not so much brute force or grit like how Bato would do or how he'd have his lackeys do." Brandon said

"So thats it? Cause he was quiet? Again, more guess-work." Kenji said. Brandon then raised his finger.

"Ah Ha, but here's where the fun part comes into play. You see when I was later assaulted afterwards, I decide to pay Kibe's home a visit. Now you could call it breaking an entering, but under discretion I did hear a cry for help inside. Unfortunately no one was inside so I just did a quick search of the place." Brandon said as he remembered looking through Kibe's room.

"And?" Kenji asked

"It was perfect. Not a single sign of conflict in him or around him. If Kibe is the white rabbit...then he's good at it. Hiding it I mean." Brandon said. "Thats all interesting, but what about this trick of yours?" Kenji asked. Brandon then smiled and nodded.

"Ah right, well while I was there. I left behind a gift. Something that would let me know if my hunch was right. A message with the white rabbit on it. Of course it required a bit of hair dye, but it worked like a charm. You see that Eiji is here.

You see the trick was there was no predicted result. Bato or his goons already knew where Kibe lives which proves my theory. Theres only a few ways you could know where he lives, one of them is you know him or two, you've looked at the school system in which case would mean that Bato has a connection with the school board.

Either way, my theory gets proven and I get a suspect." Brandon said. Kenji folded his arms as Brandon explained everything. "And what if they didn't show up? What if someone else did?" Kenji asked. Brandon thought for a moment before answering.

"Then they would be an accomplice to the white rabbit himself, why else would you go to someone's house if they weren't living there? And even if you were breaking in, why would you follow my clue? Makes sense." Brandon said. Kenji applauded and then put his hands into his pockets. "Thats a really nice trick. Only problem is that you can't arrest him now." Kenji said

"Why?" Brandon asked

"He didn't break any laws...unless..." Kenji said as he started to piece it together himself which got Brandon smiling.

"You fixed the lock to the house once you left. Which makes Eiji someone who was breaking an entering." Kenji said.

"Well, I can't say that I broke onto Kibe's home. That would be aginst the law, but if I did. Then I would most certainly fix whatever I broke. Hence the lock." Brandon said. "Your good. I might just be falling for you, if I wasn't seeing someone." Kat smiled.

"Your a loyal person? You shock me." Brandon said "hehe, keep it up and I'll shock you some more." She said.

"Ah." Brandon said

"You really think you can get him with all this?" Kenji said, Brandon looked at him. "You still want to be noticed by him that bad huh?" Brandon asked yet Kenji said nothing.

"...What do you want to do with him?" Kenji asked looking at Eiji. Brandon turned around and looked at him.

"He has more he can tell me. I'll need him for a little while longer." Brandon said. Kenji looked at him and then to Brandon.

"Let me know what is is you find out." Kenji said. Brandon looked at him.

"Mmmm, sure. Under one condition." Brandon said. "Alright then, name it." Kenji said.

"Well. Tell me you're the Trickster of course." Brandon asked to which Kenji snickered and looked away. Kat looked between them. Her smile still there. "You really think that I'm-"

"Kenji, please. Lets skip past the wise cracks and dodges. I want you to know that when I can catch him, I will catch you.

I'm not here to make friends with criminals who think killing is some enjoyable game. You may have helped me, but I don't doubt for a second that it wasn't to protect your own skin." Brandon said. Kenji and Brandon stared at one another.

"Now, if you don't mind. I got some work to do." Brandon said. Kenji gestured to him. "How do you plan to get him, out of here?" Kenji asked.

"Well, if you don't mind. We could use a hand." Brandon said. Kenji smirked.

"Sure." He snickered. Brandon walked over to Kat, slightly passing her. "Keep your word to me. Tell me if its him or not." Brandon whispered. Kenji looked at the two of them. Kat smirked. Her smile getting wide as she eyed Brandon for a moment. She put her hand on his neck for a moment, sort of trailing her nails down it. He kept looking at her, focused and almost stern while her look was playful.

"Its him." Kat answered. "Will you testify to that?" Brandon asked

"No." Kat smiled.

"Not your style huh?" Brandon said.

"The law is just a bunch of rules that everyone like to say they follow, yet they still jaywalk anyway. Everyone is a criminal in society." Kat said. Brandon nodded his head slowly as he looked down. He then got on his phone and called Mr.Nakayama. "Yea its me. You'll love to hear this." Brandon said.