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The Assassination Games! Test#1: Teamwork and Dead weight

(These events take place during Kibe's time in Hawaii.)

Kibe was standing outside a giant warehouse. It was way out into the middle of Hawaii, no cell service, no sign of cities or anything close to civilization beside this giant yard of massive warehouse.

Kibe was wearing a black shirt and pants with shoes to match. He had just gotten out of the car from the men who picked him up behind his hotel. He looked around and observed the place. It was dead, like a ghost town, no one for miles on end, it was clear to see that no one had used this land for years maybe more. However thays exactly whoever brought him here wanted him to think. Kibe turned around to the men and saw them drive away in the car.

His eyes then returned to the warehouse, he saw a small keypad and button on the doorway inside. Kibe walked over to it. He examined it, it seemed like there was a pin code to get inside, yet he wasn't given anything remotely resembling a pass code. However thats when he had a thought. He looked at numbers listed. It was the standard 1 - 10. So he began to remember his drive here with those men.

He remembers them driving past 3 blue trucks, one of them.was rusted, but he figured it counted. He then recalled that they were in traffic for nearly several minutes. And then finally they drove the middle of Hawaii for about 4 whole hours. Kibe then punched in the numbers "374". To which then the door opened up.

Kibe walked inside. Inside the warehouse he saw there were these massive structures. It was a giant town built inside this warehouse. The whole place looked to go on for several miles. Massive building and even bigger town. A big fake town. The buildings resembled something out of a western film or setting. There was even an inn and tavern. However thats not what caught Kibe's eye the most. As he looked ahead of him in front of the town was a group of around 10 people.

They all were staring at him, each of them all looked different from the other. Kibe's eyes and theirs met. Thats when above the town a large jumbotron would come down. The screen was massive. Everyone looked up at it.

Thats when the screen would turn on revealing a cartoon character. It was a man in a trench coat with his eyes barley visible. He was infront of a blue background, sitting on a black chair.

"Welcome everyone! You are all from around the world, all of you here to prove your metal and to showcase your skills as true and skillful assassins.



The Assassination Games!" Said the cartoon character. Kibe put his hands in his pockets as he stared at the screen.

"Understand this though, if you wish to dropout of the games then you will be killed. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will be hunted down. Then you will die a death never before recorded in the books.

The reward for success and winning the game is an elite assassin license and of course other amazing and fascinating perks. These games are here to test teamwork, stealth, your manipulative capabilities, perception and of course your knowledge.

The first game will be called: Dead Weight.

The rules of this game are simple, you will have to form a team amongst the people here. You must be capable of showing two professionals that you and your team are capable of working together cause after this game. The people you are teamed up with is your team for the rest of the games.

Now this game is more than just a team-building exercise.

There are a few more major components.

1) You must be part of a team of 3 or more.

2) You then must figure out which one of you is unworthy of being an assassin or discover who that may be in another team.

3) You will have a point system. Points that will all equal up to 30 points.

You must get 10 points in each of these three categories. Teamwork, communication and effectiveness.

4) Small trials around the game will be present, however they will not be disclosed to any of you.

5) Every 2 hours for the next 4 you will have to eliminate one contestant. It must be a vote of 5 or more. Less and it will result in it being inconclusive and the voting will stop. Resulting in a random pick.

6) Each team of 3 or more must have a leader. If you aren't leading or on a team then it will result in your immediate termination.

Those are the rules. You have 4 hours.

Let the game begin." Said the cartoon character as the TV then shut off.

In a disclosed room away from everyone, a mysterious figure and three other men in black suits were watching everything. They had cameras in each building.

The mysterious man then turned around in his chair. He looked at one of the men. "Go get him. Tell him the rabbit has arrived." Said the mysterious man as he looked over to the cameras where Kibe was in full view. One of then men walked out of the room.

He went down a flight of stairs and down a dark hallway, there were doors leading to several rooms. Some rooms were quiet while a few had music playing behind them. He then arrived at a door with two men guarding it. He showed his license as one of the men then reached into his pocket and grabbed a key, he used the key to open the door. As he walked in, he would enter a blank white room. The only things in it was another young man, a white chair, a small end table and a desk with another chair. There the man in the room was sitting down and drawing something.

He had brown hair and was wearing a all white jumpsuit. He was drawing a perfect picture of the tower of babel. Everything detail he could manage was in it. The man stood in the doorframe. His hands behind his back.

"The rabbit has arrived." Said the man, thats when the man in white would stop drawing. He'd look up at the wall as he without looking put his pencil next to two others. Setting them down next to each other perfectly parallel.

He then stood up, his posture was straight as he then stretched his arms.

"I want to join the games." Said the man. The man in the suit nodded. "And you'll keep your end of our agreement yes?" Asked the man in the suit.

"If he is what they say he is. Then I will keep your word and more Marlo. And more..." the man in white said as he then smirked.

Everyone back in the fake town at the main level of the warehouse were all gathered and talking to one another. Seemed some people had already found their clicks and small groups. Kibe walked about and looked everyone.

As he did he'd then notice a group of four people talking. He could see everyone's body language and tell they were very distrustful of one another. The posture everyone had was either crossed arms, slightly turned away from who they were taking, and having their hands in their pockets. Kibe looked over to one group, it was three guys and a girl. One of the guys was a older man. Looked to be in his 30s, he was bald, no tattoos. He was wearing a sort of dark suit, but had it special mad. The man had a code of sorts on his neck.

"That man is a professional, his hands are artistic. Then again, killing can be an art too.

His demeanor and posture say board school, but its likely he was ex-military or CIA. Definitely a form of authority or criminal justice." Kibe thought, he then looked to another guy who had dark hair. He had a dark coat and glasses.

"AH HA! My friend!" Said a familiar German voice, Kibe turned around to see it was Jörg Glockenton. Kibe turned to him as the two shook hands. "Good to see you again." Kibe said. Jörg took a deep breath as he stretched his arms.

"Ahhhh, ze the air, good no? Yes. Makes me feel very much like I'm back home. Sweet green." Said Jörg as he put his hands in his pockets. Kibe looked around at the others.

"So, a team building exercise huh? Seems like a middle school teacher's perfect assignment." Kibe said

"Mmm yez, indeed. Theres quite a bit to uncover from this." Jörg said as he looked to Kibe who stared at him. Jörg smiled for a moment before his smile went away.

"You're business. You aren't here for ze the women and drinks I reckon." Jörg said "The men who want to kill the people I'm here to protect are here. No other assassins on this island.

These games are pointless, but its discreet and keeps me out of the eyes of others." Kibe said. Jörg smirked as his eyes wandered as well. Kibe looked to him. "Is this an attempt to get me to be on your team?" Kibe asked.

"Oh no, its pretty obvious that being on any team associated with you, would lead to ruin or worse.

No, I think I'll join another. We'll meet up during the games. Don't worry." Jörg said.

"I'm never worried, I just have mild annoyances." Kibe said. Jörg snickered as he walked away with a wave. "Good luck. Be seeing you." Jörg said. Kibe kept his hands in his pockets as he watched, thats when he began to hear someone walk behind him. Kibe got a smell before he turned around. A tang of dirt and heavy whiskey. Kibe's head turned and looked to see a large almost 7 foot tall man. He was very well built, very muscular and has big bushy beard. He seemed blind in one eye, about 40% while the other was just fine.

He had scars on his chest, bear and tiger claw marks. However the biggest thing that stood out about him. Was his robotic/prosthetic arms. They were very bulky, each must have weighed about at least 3000 pounds each. Which made this man insanely strong or straight up inhuman. They were made out of tungsten. There were wires, and clamps holding his arms together. No skin sleeves on them either, he wanted people to know just how dangerous he was. This man was a walking tank.

"Looky here, a tiny man." Said the man, his accent sounded scandinavian. Very strong too. He had a deep and low growl to his tone. "I reckon anyone next to you is seen as tiny." Kibe said. The man gave a small chuckle as he looked at him. His stare was strong. The man had his hands folded. Kibe noticed the gas and steam coming from his arms, it looked almost like its own reactor.

"Hehe, the name is Telaga, Telaga Randolph." Said the large man. Kibe just stared at him, his eyes then shot around at everyone for a moment. He noticed a few of them were looking at him. Before his eyes moved back to Telaga, thats when he noticed a man who he didn't see before. He had brown hair, and hazel eyes. Kibe noticed his addition to the main group immediately. "An 11th person?" Kibe thought.

"Hey!" Said Telaga getting Kibe's attention. "How about you join my ranks huh? You and me and maybe two other fools." Telaga said. Kibe just looked at him with Telaga doing the same. The staredown was intense, everyone could feel the pressure just from the standoff between them.

"No thanks. I'm not looking to cut any deals with anyone right now." Kibe said

"You're funeral little boy." Said Telaga. Kibe watched as he walked away. Kibe watched him before he then noticed the tavern, a good few people walked in there along with Jörg. Kibe looked back to the others who were wondering around the fake town as well. Kibe's eyes looked back to the tavern.

"A good place to start." Kibe said as he walked over towards it.