Chapter 145


Without realizing it, I lowered my gaze. Then I saw my trembling hands gripping the sink.

He's back, when did he sneak in?

Even in moments like this, my mind was habitually making judgments about the situation.

Did Kang Ichae see the blood? Yes, he did.

Is there any excuse? No, there isn't.

If I honestly say it's because of the system penalty? The number of hospital visits will just increase.

Hitting someone on the head to make him lose memory? Maybe dying would be faster.

No matter what I do, I'll just look like a crazy person...

I felt a sharp sting at the back of my head.

Thinking I should say something to lighten the mood, I flashed the sink and opened my mouth.

"Ichae, first..."

At that moment, Kang Ichae came down from the door and entered the bathroom.

The sound of slippers touching the wet floor made my ears twitch.

As I stopped talking and whether Kang Ichae looked at me or not, he went to the toilet, checked the contents, and then firmly pressed the lever.



After the sound of water draining, silence lingered.

It was clear he intentionally interrupted me.

"There are a few things I want to check before calling the ambulance."

Kang Ichae's eyes shifted from the toilet to the sink and then to me.

'What should I do about this?'

Of course his smile disappeared, and although he pretended to be calm, his eyes flickered.

Seeing a member in pain, I thought he might fuss, but I didn't expect him to get this angry.

'Did I touch a nerve?'

Usually full of jokes and banter, seeing someone who never lowered his mouth corners act like this made me slightly nervous.

"Did you catch a serious Illness, those that cannot be cured?"


"Then, did you get traumatized at the hospital?"

"...No, nothing like that."

"Then why?"

Kang Ichae raised an eyebrow, locking eyes with me.

"Why are you stuck here right now?"

Red lights flashed in my mind, signaling danger.

I quickly tried to add more words to divert Kang Ichae's thoughts.

"Ichae, wait... ehem. Just a moment."

At that moment, a cough erupted, and the blood I had been holding in my mouth sprayed out. The atmosphere in the bathroom became even more grim.

"That's not, what you think..."

Closing my eyes tightly, I finished organizing the situation.

Since I was already caught, there was no decent excuse, and delaying any longer would only make it worse. In this situation, it seemed best to talk my way out as smoothly as possible, making it seem like nothing serious happened.

"I'm sorry for surprising you. Actually, I haven't been feeling well. Sometimes I get like this when I'm tired or not feeling well. I've been going to hospitals in Korea too."


"I even have separate medications. What if I get adverse effects from getting prescribed unnecessary medications again? Besides, going to the hospital won't solve much, just pointless talk."

Going to the hospital would be a disaster.

Even if I manage to prevent news from spreading in Korea, the real problem is that despite having symptoms, my body is perfectly healthy.

There was a risk of rumors spreading, like I might become an idol who is inexplicably diagnosed with an incurable disease like in some drama.

I decided to act as if everything was fine, exerting as much effort as possible.

"...Alright, Ichae?"

However, Kang I-chae silently stared at me.

"Have you said everything you wanted to?"


"Then I'll call now."

Damn, did he really intend to call an ambulance?

I urgently grabbed Kang Ichae's hand as he blankly raised his phone.

My long-winded excuses didn't work at all.

"Hey, just wait a moment."


"Damn it."

Part of me felt relieved that it was Kang Ichae.

It seemed easier to deal with him than with Kim Seonghyeon, who would stubbornly refuse to listen to anything, or with Sung Jiwon, who would ignore me with a smile and drag me to the hospital, or with the youngest, Jeong Dajun, who I didn't want to show this side of me.

However, seeing this sight now, I know it wasn't even close to being okay.

I'm quite pissed off

With one eyebrow sharply raised, Kang Ichae exuded a fierce demeanor.

The blood from my cough earlier stained Kang Ichae's wrist, leaving a mark.

Knowing it was a superficial wound, I still lowered my head.

To avoid this situation,

"Hey, Ichae."

I appealed to his emotions.

"Are you upset? Can't you trust me? It seems like you're surprised because you've never seen something like this before, but it's quite common. If it were something serious, I would have been the first to rush to the hospital... ahem! cough!"


"I would have rushed to the... uh."


"cough, ugh..."


However, Kang Ichae remained expressionless.

Despite my blurred vision and spinning head, I managed to gather my wits and picked up the words.

"...I'm fine."

Even though I forced myself to swallow the blood lingering in my mouth to appear composed, Kang I-chae only twisted his head, saying nothing.

"Is it fun?"

Damn it.

I turned my head and spat out the remaining blood into the sink.

"You stubborn bastard... Can't you just let it go, I'm your hyung?"

I pondered how to avoid this situation. Should I pretend to faint again? But then I immediately discarded the thought, realizing it would be even more dangerous to be taken to the hospital for real.

I wished for assistance from the system window, but in times like this, there was no response.

Kang Ichae let out a small sigh and withdrew his wrist from my grasp.

"I just don't understand..."


"Even though I could just take you to the hospital right away after seeing you like this, the reason I bothered to ask is out of respect for you. Someone as sharp-minded as you, why are you staying here like this?"

Despite being someone who always took care of himself, eating three meals a day and constantly carrying a red ginseng stick, Seo Hoyun was in pain, yet refusing to go to the hospital. It made Kang Ichae wonder if there was really any point in going to the hospital if Hoyun insisted it wouldn't help.

However, since that wasn't the case, there was no reason for Kang Ichae to just watch him suffer in the hotel room.

"But your excuse right now is rather, pathetic, isn't it?"

Kang Ichae glanced up at me after wiping the blood off his wrist once.


I took a deep breath for a moment.

With a splitting headache, I reached out for the towel hanging beside Kang Ichae.

"I'm not going."


Then, I roughly wiped the blood off my mouth.

I honestly don't understand why he's so furious...


That's not important right now.

"I understand your perspective. Honestly, even from my point of view, it's a pathetic excuse, but if you just leave me alone for half a day, I'll be fine."

"...Half a day?"

Kang Ichae muttered quietly.

Damn system, it keeps saying I'm getting better, but the pain is still overwhelming.

Unable to think clearly anymore, I decided to at least reveal the minimal truth to calm down that madman.

"Yeah, can't you see my complexion has improved a bit now, hasn't it?"

Of course, the mirror still only showed a sickly patient.

With an audacious remark from me, Kang Ichae looked at me incredulously, running his hand through his hair in disbelief. In front of him, I shamelessly continued with determination.

"If you really want me to go to the hospital, lets just wait for half a day... No, just three hours."


"You know me well, don't you? I won't do anything stupid. So trust me just this once, okay?"

After hesitating for a moment, Kang Ichae looked at me with a wavering gaze.


He glanced around the bathroom, where blood stains were scattered, and then looked back at me with a trembling gaze.


I looked at him with a trembling gaze, as I glanced at the blood splattered all over the bathroom.

The guy who seemed like he wouldn't back down even a step until just now, seemed to weaken a bit after one of the random words I blurted out hit him.

His eyes, filled with suppressed emotions, narrowed slightly, and a hollow laughter escaped from the corner of Kang Ichae's mouth.

That's when I knew. Kang Ichae would listen to what I had to say, no matter what.

"Thank you."

I quickly turned towards the door, trying to escape the bathroom somehow, thinking that I had confused him enough. But Kang Ichae's eyebrows twitched, and with a bang!! he kicked the bathroom door shut.

"One hour."

A shiver ran down my spine from the wind that brushed past my face. The guy who forcefully closed the bathroom door turned his head to the right. He already looked more fierce than anyone else, with his thuggish appearance.

"One hour, that's all."


'If it doesn't get better there, hyung will listen to me.'

Can I get better in just one hour?


[...If it's one hour, there's a 17% chance.]

Even without saying it, the system window accurately added the information that I was curious about.

'Am I going crazy?'

No matter how I thought about it, one hour was too short. However, I didn't feel like asking Kang Ichae to extend the time, so I grumbled while rubbing my neck and opened the bathroom door again, pushing Kang Ichae aside.

After wiping my hands with the towel I was holding, I lay down on the bed.

'Damn it...'

I pulled the blanket up and briefly replayed the situation from earlier."

Sure! Here's the translation of the text you provided:

"Kang Ichae, you're so brutal when you're angry."

I was relieved that Kang Ichae didn't strangle me by the neck.

Kang Ichae followed behind and brought a chair, sitting down with his arms crossed.


[Incoming call]

Trying to pretend not to notice the heavy silence that weighs down the room, as I suppress the coughs and the blood clotting, my phone suddenly rang.

As I reached out to find my phone, Kang Ichae snatched it away and threw it to a corner of the bed.



"That's an important call...."

When I rolled my eyes towards where the phone was, I could see the coldness and weariness in Kang Ichae's face, which didn't look like a twenty-two-year-old.

"Leak? Or a change of plans?"


"Do we have to do it right now?"

It meant that he was aware of both the cigarette incident and the leak.

For a moment, I froze and wiped my forehead with my hand, staring at the ceiling.



"Why are you so pissed off?"

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't understand that part.

"Because I didn't tell you? Because I was in pain alone? Or because I lied earlier? ...I just didn't want to worry you."

I added a hint of weakness.

It was partly sincere.

"It's not like I'm dying, cough... I'm fine, really. You're just overreacting about something that's going to get better anyway."


"Say it again?"

I threw the towel that covered my mouth when I coughed onto the floor and made my final statement.

"You're overreacting right now."

Kang Ichae just looked at me silently.


And he spat out.

"Our mom died acting like you hyung"


"That hyperventilation was inevitable it was hard to hide, but everything else wasn't like that. She always smiled at me, so I didn't know."

"Damn it."

"By the time I found out, it was already too late"

I slipped up.

His calm voice made the jab even sharper.

"Now do you understand why I'm overreacting?"

...I messed up.

I covered my face with my both hands.


I couldn't bear to look at Kang Ichae.

After a long silence, Kang Ichae sighed.

Soon, I felt a soft touch in my hand. Kang Ichae handed me a new towel and spoke in a softer tone.

"It's okay, I was just venting my anger earlier."


"I couldn't do what I should've done back then, even to my brother, so please understand why I'm acting like this now."

"...But, cough..., it's not really serious, right?"

"The coughing?"

I tried to make an excuse, but Kang Ichae didn't buy it for a second.

"If Dajun was in the same situation as you right now, would you say it's nothing?"


"The person who would've freaked out if Dajun acted like you... Now acts like it's no big deal because it's their own problem."

Each word he said was like a dagger.

With no strength to refute, I remained silent.

"But I'll still understand. I'll respect whatever Hyung does behind my back. As long as you live a healthy and happy life."

"...That's how people should live."

""If you have the money, it's possible."

With absolute sincerity in his words, Kang Ichae lowered the corners of his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Yeah, if that's what makes you happy. I really enjoy my life right now, including Dajun and hyungs. I want to keep going."


"So let's be together for a long, long time, in good health. Don't get sick somewhere I don't know."

After saying that, Kang Ichae stretched his body and comfortably leaned against the backrest of the chair. His expression seemed much more relaxed compared to before.


I couldn't miss this timing.

Just as I was about to suggest extending it to three hours, suppressing a shiver and cautiously watching for his reaction,


Kang Ichae spoke in a gentle voice.

"We have 46 minutes left."


"I should prepare to call a taxi."

This damn stubborn guy...

I sincerely regretted not knocking Kang Ichae out from the beginning and making him lose his memory.
