Chapter 157

Shining Star Season 2 Episode 1 Broadcast Day.

"The Dawn, let's get 1st place! Let's get 1st place!"

"Even though they say we have to shine, I've already booked everyone's phones. Let's start the game."

The members were already in full battle mode, both physically and mentally. Even more so, with reviews flooding in about The Dawn's spectacular performance in the second round, everyone's expectations were soaring.

Finally, after numerous advertisements, the Shining Star Season 2 logo appeared on the screen, followed by a recap of Season 1's storyline.

"We will find shining stars no matter what."

The subtitle sparked outrage among fans.

"Did you find them? Damn, here we go again."

"Is the production team sane?"

"But we can't insult Heeyeong unnie. I fell in love with her at the press conference and want to be tangled with her fiercely and dirtily... She's crazy, but that's what makes her unique."

Among them, the fans of High Five were particularly outraged.

"Why do our kids have to be here?"

"Isn't this just bullying by the broadcasting company? LOL, they're not blocking the agencies, what are they doing?"

A happy social media life essential.


Most of the fan communities had already blocked each other's trigger words, and even if they happened to see them, they quickly scrolled past to avoid unnecessary controversy.

"Oh, Joo Woo sung is coming out??"

"Han Chaeri?!!"

"Wow, and Han Seoyeon?!?!! Wow, I love Seoyeon unnie, how did you know I love her?"

As soon as the next-generation actors, who were rising stars, appeared as MCs and idol mentors famous enough to be called the top 1% of the nation's population, even ordinary people became interested.

Amidst various expectations, Shining Star Season 2 began.

Shining Star Season 2, here we go!

The opening and early parts of the broadcast focused mainly on The Dawn, the winner of Season 1 and a participant in Season 2.

Emphasizing the strong teamwork that had heated up Season 1, the video was accompanied by a heart-wrenching piano melody.

"The Dawn was actually facing the threat of disbandment. Our performance wasn't good, and everyone thought it was inevitable. We were just grateful for what we had."

"I just followed my brothers!"

"We did it just because it was fun. Living with the members was fun, and the fans liked it."

"To those who believed in me, I feel like I owe them an unpayable debt..."

"Of course, we have to do well."

Ugh, don't bring the crying button suddenly, damn it, I'm really crying now.

"Ha, memories from last year are passing by.... ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ Back then, I was really proud and exhausted...."

The last broadcast of Season 1, which led to the birth of Kismet, despite still receiving many regrets about not being able to continue their activities as a competing group, was a proud but heartbreaking topic among the members of Noeul, especially for Kim Seonghyun's individual fans.

"I'll support Seonghyun even if I die."

"God Seonghyun, I love you even in the grave."

However, the broadcast itself wasn't all somber.

To boost viewership, shock value was important.

And veteran PD Kim Hee young knew this very well.

Intentionally inserting scenes with a completely opposite atmosphere behind the stimulating and sentimental elements, they further piqued people's interest.

- They were so touching....


"Hey, don't pull me!!"

It started with Jung Dajun's scream.

In the middle of winter, in a ghost-infested broadcasting station, everyone watching was bewildered by the mission to be performed.


"Wait, is this how the meeting starts? LOL"

Although it was embarrassing to scream and tremble in fear, on the other hand, it was good for fans to see a different side of their idols.

Since it was a sight they wouldn't see otherwise, everyone got immersed in the broadcast, and right around then, The Dawn officially appeared.

"So, it's enough if Hoyoonie hyung and Jiwoonie hyung go! Those two didn't even blink an eye! Even Ichae hyung was so shocked he was trembling!"


[Jung Dajun (God Adult) tends to casually throw his members under the bus]

In the part where Jung Dajun casually pointed out the members, the Noeul members were excited.

※The production team did not intend to stir up trouble ※It's a misunderstanding

It wasn't a long segment, but it made a huge impact.

Even fans who were irritated before the broadcast ended up smiling broadly.

"Is it true that Kim Seonghyun is doing aegyo missions in front of ghosts while choking back tears...

└ When will we ever see that for real...

└└What are you talking about

└└I meant seeing it up close

└└Ah, LOL"

At that moment, the rest of The Dawn members monitoring Kim Seonghyun and Jung Dajun appeared.

The Dawn's sub-vocal Seo Hoyun: LOL The Dawn's main vocal Sung Jiwon: ^^ (nodding)

The Dawn's main rapper Kang Ichae: Wahahaha Hmㅠㅠㅠㅠ (laughing and collapsing)

The production team was enjoying snacks with star-shaped sunglasses on, prepared cakes with sculptures.

"These guys are so annoying that I feel like I'm going to die."

"If I were a dancer (Seonghyun/Dajun), I would immediately withdraw from the team and consult with the company to send a formal letter."

With difficulty completing the mission and crawling back halfway, the scene of Kim Seonghyun and Jung Dajun being ignored and Seo Hoyun sneakily taking away a note was shown.


[Is this about the song?]

In a flash, numerous tweets flooded in on chat

[Wow, was it a selection? There was just a close-up!!]

[Choosing "Pathetic Confession" and "Say You Love Me" └ㅋㅋㅋ Did you capture it at that moment? Thank you thank you]

[Oh, when I saw the teaser, was it "Say You Love Me"?]

[Wow, two songs were released?? But why wasn't "Pathetic Confession" chosen?]

Amidst everyone's confusion, Vercey continued with the mission.

Vercey Main Vocal Serang: Wow! I love 'Pathetic Confession' so much!

And when they chose "Pathetic Confession," the reaction from the Noeul fans cooled down.

[Ah.. Looks like they chose it first.]

[It doesn't seem like they negotiated over song selection, more like they yielded.]


It seemed that the junior group yielded to the seniority of Vercey, as they had more experience than The Dawn



[Choosing "Pathetic Confession" is a bit much, isn't it? This song was composed by Kang Ichae, sung by Sung Jiwon, and even Seo Hoyun appeared in a dramaㅋ Just because it's a song by The Dawn you've stuffed it into the spotlightㅋㅋ]

[ㅋㅋSeems like they're tempting fate]

In reality, it was nothing like that at all.

[No matter what happens in the broadcast, they make a big deal out of it; but if you think about it, we're the ones who were unfairly treated when you consider the facts.]

As the details of the song selection weren't revealed, Vercey fans also felt unjustly treated.

However, since Vercey was the one who ultimately sang "Pathetic Confession," such opinions quickly faded away before gaining momentum.

[Wow, the face-to-face meeting is starting!]

After each group's song selection, the face-to-face stage immediately followed.

First, it was important to liven up the atmosphere with exciting music, so scenes of dance units preparing nervously were shown.

"Let's do well... everyone."

"Yes!! Wooah!!"

"Tissue! Tissue!!"

In the meantime, Kim Seonghyun and Jung Dajun couldn't stay still for a moment, either stretching or gulping down water continuously.

Eventually, when Jung Dajun accidentally spilled water, Kim Seonghyun quickly brought tissues and wiped his chin for him.

[Looking at Jung Dajun pouring water on his chin because he's nervousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seonghyun immediately brings tissue while trembling. Ah, so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Is this parenting or just colleagues...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

Due to the heavy emphasis on setting up the narrative in the beginning, the dance unit segment of Deo Deon felt like it only lasted about 3 seconds.

Nevertheless, Noeul's hearts were warmed.

[Yeah, we're gonna be first place anyway~]

[Title: Seonghyun's dance is amazing though. I used to think idols just need to have a handsome face, so it's okay if their skills are lacking. As long as their face is handsome, they only need to worry about being embarrassed on stage, so they can manage the rest somehow. But this guy, even if he wears a mask and a hat, his celebrity dance moves are just so cool. Why does he dance so smoothly and confidently?]

[Seonghyun used to be part of a dance crew and was quite famous. There's a video.]

[Why didn't I know? Please give me the link.]

[Yeah, this video! Kim Seonghyun's fresh and naive face in the video is so hilarious, he seems so relaxed, it's ridiculousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Haha, you're a babyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[I used to think Joo Woo sung was the best dancer among idols, but now I'm looking forward to Kim Seonghyun more.]

[Haha, let's not get carried away. Sanghyun and Joo sung are totally my type, just ignore me.]

Next up was the singing unit.

[^^ Yeah, whatever~]

[Haha, yeah^^]

[Show us how you do it, Jiwon.]

Even during the rehearsal scene where Bercy was making a pitiful confession, Noeul felt endlessly relaxed. Then, when Seo hoyun and Sung jiwon appeared, they formed the perfect vocal combination.

[Vocals: Real Angels vs. Personality Kings

└ Haha, Personality Kings are hilarious, are they even idols?

└ This kind of thing is what makes them adorable, it's okay.]

[Haha, yeah, the Deo Deon vocals were pretty good too. Their harmony? Well, not bad. (Crying while leaning against the window with a puppy meme)]

[Haha, it seems like they're way too moved compared to what was said.]

[They did well not making a pitiful confession... Fans get to hear a new song, thoughㅠㅠ]

It was all thanks to Seo Hoyun's calculations that everything fell into place.

Finally, as if decorating the climax, the main vocal and leader of High Five appeared. They endlessly checked the lyrics backstage and exchanged opinions on gestures.

"I feel a bit pressured... but I want to do better. For the fans."

Even though the audience felt a bit awkward seeing Kang Yeonhoo's sparkling face with a slightly embarrassed smile as she answered the staff's questions, The Dawn's fans were still delighted.

[If it's too much pressure, then don't come out.

└ Haha, this kind of comment can only be made on the internet.

└ └ It's possible in real life too.

└ └ Really, Seopaq (Seohyun + polite) fans.]

Since The Dawn was a group that didn't quite fit in and stood out alone in Shining Star Season 2, as High Five fans expressed dissatisfaction, fans of other groups couldn't help but cast uneasy glances, worried that their idols might be overshadowed.


[Haha, crazy...]

However, as soon as High Five's song started, everyone who had been vigorously tapping on their keyboards couldn't help but stop.

[They're good.]

Solid skills. Excellent sense. And they managed to put on a spectacular stage in such a short amount of time.

[Impressive... Is that why they're so popular?]

[It's annoying...]

The reason Noeul had wished for at least one person with good character in High Five was evident here.

In the end, thanks to Seo Hoyun's efforts, The Dawn took first place, and as they bowed to the audience and the groups on either side, their fans were filled with pride as they watched through the screen.

[Look at them bowing to their seniorsㅜㅜ Ah, our babies are so polite...ㅜ]

Not wanting to miss out on such an opportunity, Noeul and a few others in the fandom tried to frame The Dawn as polite through various means. They even prepared memes in advance and quickly uploaded them to social media.

Meanwhile, after airing a commercial break, the program moved on.

Next up was the rap unit, where nothing was revealed except for the information that Kang Ichae had won first place.

[Ah, Ichae?? Looking forward to it.]

[Ichae probably did well.]

As someone who had familiarized herself with The Dawn's self-produced content, Noeul's reaction was natural.

Ichae, who could survive on a deserted island with just a monkey as his best friend, and whose genius had been proven multiple times through The Dawn's songs, was now in the rap unit.



Unlike other Shining Star participants who were typically groups of at least six, Kang Ichae was alone in the waiting room.

What surprised Noeul was the silent, calm demeanor of Kang Ichae.

He was usually the lively atmosphere maker in crowded places, so it felt awkward to see him so quiet.

[It hurts to see Kang Ichae sitting alone like that.]

[He's usually the one bouncing around in busy places... It's so awkward...ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Hing, Ichaeㅠㅠㅠㅠ]

He was too busy scribbling something on the sofa, his expression obscured.

The camera slowly zoomed in.

-What Ichae was holding was...?


In Kang Ichae's hand was a paper with edges worn almost to the point of tearing, covered in rap lyrics.


Kang Ichae, who finally noticed the camera, playfully squinted his eyes. But he couldn't hide his momentary hesitation.

Among fans, Kang Ichae was considered a 'genius.'

His image as a mischief-maker contributed to it, but his public appearance also played a role.

Articles praising him for completing compositions in just a few days and videos of him practicing choreography with unusually little screen time all contributed to the image.

So when fans saw Kang Ichae's 'efforts' that they hadn't witnessed before, social media erupted with excitement.

[Kang!!!!! Ichae!!!!!!! I!!!!!!! Love!!!!!!! You!!!!!!! So!!!!!! Much!!!!!!]

[What's Kang Ichae doing practicing??? I honestly thought he'd be playing games in the waiting room.]

[Is this guy crazy? I'm just sitting here, why is he suddenly attacking me?]

Soon, staff interviews with Kang Ichae, the chosen prey, came in.

Q. How do you feel participating alone in the rap unit?

Kang Ichae, who was listening to the staff's question, widened his eyes and shrugged.

"It's a bit awkward. I'm used to being with the other members."

The staff quickly threw another question.

Q. The paper was filled with lyrics.

At the mention of it, Kang Ichae glanced down at the paper in his hand. Unknowingly triggering his fans even more, he soon flashed a bright smile.

"I want to show the fans a good side of me."


Meanwhile, the screen shifted to Kang Ichae, who was waiting backstage with a solemn expression, checking the stage on the opposite side.

[Guys... Guys,

I'm sorry to bring this up in this situation, but can I eat the strong and handsome Kang Ichae?

└Please, just a little (But I'm also strong)

└Damn, I don't want to say this at a time like this, but his side profile is freaking amazing.]

[Wow, I always hung out with the Dawn guys, so I didn't know if Kang Ichae was alone, he'd be like this???? Ah, this extreme level of chic bad boy charm.]

If Kang Ichae had known that fans were writing such comments on social media, he would have chuckled and enjoyed it. But for now, he was simply focused on the performance in front of him.

"Kang Ichae-ssi!"


Kang Ichae nodded in response to the staff's signal and flipped his hood over his cap.

Preparations were complete.

He quietly ascended the stage, waiting for the staff's introduction.

Soon the curtain fell, revealing cheering audiences who didn't even know who was performing.

He slowly raised the microphone.



Instantly, the feedback noise from the microphone echoed loudly in his ears.

As the audience frowned in discomfort, Noeul's heart almost skipped a beat,


But Kang Ichae casually flashed a smile.

"Don't be intimidated."

Yet, his voice showed no signs of intimidation.

Scratching the back of his neck, Kang Ichae raised his hand high.

As a signal...

[It's chasing time!]

The performance began.

From then on, it was Kang Ichae's time.

His efforts paid off instantly, capturing the audience's attention.

[Don't go low on me Push until the end of the thrill I've come so lower your head]

Despite the lack of flashy stage effects or editing, it felt like a movie.

[You can't deny what you are feeling now]

The highlight of Episode 1 was when the entire audience waved their hands in unison following Kang Ichae's gestures.

[Was this it... Was this it.....]

[Are you insane........]

Noel, as well as other fandoms and general viewers watching the broadcast, were left speechless by the stage. Eventually, along with the history of The Dawn from the opening of Shining Star Season 1, 'The Dawn Kang Ichae' trended in real-time on social media.

[Wow, during the highlight segment, they changed 'It's chasing - 'Itchae' so it matched his name.]

[Amazing, this crazy guy... So he made the audience sing along with his name by creating a chant...]

[The audience probably doesn't even know;;; that they're calling Kang Ichae's name;;;]

Pouring all his energy into the performance, Kang Ichae's presence overwhelmed Noeul.

[This is extraordinary...]

[Am I dreaming?]


[Behind his genius, the fact that he was hardworking drives me crazy....]

Thus, Kang Ichae received the highest number of votes above his head.


After the reveal of his identity and the announcement of the rankings, Kang Ichae took off his hoodie, perhaps feeling hot.

With sweat stains on his short-sleeved shirt, and his moist grapefruit-colored hair sticking to his forehead, he still shone brightly.

Then, instead of giving his impressions, he responded to the cheers by blowing kisses to the audience.

"Thanks, Bye!"

And with a bright smile, he bent down and continuously high-fived the audience in the stands as he left the stage.

[He's so cool, damn.]

[If it were me, when my name appeared on the screen as 1st place, I would have said something like "I got into Harvard"? I would have gone on and on expressing my gratitude, but this guy just laughs and goes in.]

[I'm going crazy, really, if you like the style of Kang Ichae, you just go crazy for Kang Ichae.]

[Kang Ichae's star quality is really something damn....]

Various communities burned with discussions about Kang Ichae's limitless star quality for days.

Meanwhile, back at their dorm watching the live broadcast together, The Dawn looked at Kang Ichae with misty eyes.

Especially, Jung Dajun burst into tears, to the point where he had to grab tissues and blow his nose!

"When did my little brother grow up like this??"

"...Dajunie has a wide range. Are you accepting me as your little brother too, hyung?"

While Kang Ichae himself had no particular thoughts and wasn't nervous at all, the members were quite moved.

Of course, I was an exception.

"Dajun, I get that your tear ducts are exploding, but please stop sniffling. Enough."


"...My gosh."

While Kang Ichae was accustomed to boasting about himself, receiving admiration from his members felt awkward. The impressed looks from the members made Kang Ichae feel somewhat burdened.


After trying to calm Jung Dajun a few times, he soon gave up and sighed.

"Yeah, I'll be honest. Sometimes I get tired of myself like this too.... Am I afraid of my talent?"


Kim Sunghyun's gaze, which had been like that of a proud father looking at his eldest son, returned to its usual state as he looked at Kang Ichae.

"Oh~!! Kang Ichae, how did you come up with those lyrics?"

Seemingly enjoying the members' tired gazes, Kang Ichae continued to self-praise more enthusiastically.


"Can someone shut that kid up?"

"I give up on Dajun."

"Oh, I'll leave first too!"

Even Sung Jiwon quickly abandoned Kang Ichae, and the members left the living room coldly.

Feeling drained, I tried to get up from the sofa to return to my room, but Kang Ichae scratched his head.

"Not buying it, huh?"

"Stop trying to appeal. We all know you're a genius."


"What? Why?"

"Well... I'm not that much."

I tilted my head momentarily at his unexpectedly firm words.

"Do you really think that way?"


Was Kang Ichae being deceptive?

I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"So what about compositions by other ordinary people?"



"...Ahaha, just kidding. I just think it's a matter of different tastes."


'Is he really joking...?'

Kang Ichae was quite accurate in his self-objectification.

So, rather than having low self-confidence, it's just....


His standards are incredibly high.

So, rather than having low self-confidence, it's just....


His standards are incredibly high.

Therefore, it was even more undeniable that Kang Ichae was a genius.

"Wanna hear some encouragement?"

I quietly approached Kang Ichae and tapped his shoulder.

"Ichae, you're really a genius. A hardworking one, too."


"To be honest, I feel reassured with you around."

I gave Kang Ichae a brotherly, dignified, and cool smile as he blinked and looked at me.

Come here, Kang Ichae.

Just like Im Hyun-soo, I know you're subtly vulnerable to compliments too.

But Kang Ichae, who had been a bit standoffish until a moment ago, rolled his eyes once and then let out a sigh as if to say, "There."


"What's up?"

And he looked at me with a slightly pitiful expression.

"Seriously, can you change that habit of yours...?"


"And what's with the comments? Do you think they'll work with Woo Sung-hyung or Chung Beom, the famous composer?"


Yeah..., this guy really knows how to play it well.
