Chapter 182

"Is this sweeter than you expected?"

"Want some of mine?"

"No, it's just right."

"What are they doing right now?"

While one side endured humiliation shooting a crime movie, the other side was shooting a virtual dating program.

The blatantly lovey-dovey screen was filled with pink hearts, and the subtitles directly revealed the absurdity.

[Could it be that you two are mistaken about the program?]

"Hey, have some of this."

"Huh? No, no, Hoyun should have it. I'm not hungry."

"I told you to eat it."

"Ah, seriously, it's embarrassing and unpleasant to watch this overly sweet atmosphere."

"But you seem to be laughing so much."

"Caught red-handed."

For several minutes of the short 30-minute segment, they just ate.

Even though they were worried their phone battery might die from all the notifications, Seo Hoyoon closed his eyes and enjoyed his drink.

Finally, the bewildered PD had to ask first.

"Um... aren't you two going to perform the mission?"


Seo Hoyun, who briefly opened his eyes to look at him, replied dully.

"It's nice here now, do we really need to go?"

"Did he eat something wrong?"

It seems like the hot dog they ate earlier might have been a mistake, or they drank too much of the Solo Zero, as various speculations were made by the other members while Noeuls were making all kinds of guesses, Sung Jiwon's expression was close-up.


He was smiling subtly with a slightly awkward expression.

"Geez, Seo Hoyun is a betrayer, so he's intentionally disrupting jiwon's plans."

"Ah, damn...

I thought Seo Hoyun lost his mind..

Yeah, no matter how much is his opponent, he wouldn't act like that.."

"Hmm. But should we give it a try?"

"Okay, if you say so."

"But why is he talking like this?

I can't get used to it at all."

However, when Sung Jiwon suggested, he immediately changed his attitude and accepted. Sung Jiwon raised his eyebrows slightly and hurriedly moved. He seemed a bit anxious.

"Aren't you tired?"

"Hoyun, you must be more tired. You probably didn't sleep well."

As Seo Hoyun affectionately inquired while examining Sung Jiwon's complexion, flower CGs fluttered around him.

"Stop putting flower CGs here.

It's getting too flowery here..."

As they exchanged quiet conversations and moved along amicably, fans shook their heads in disbelief.


Seeing Seo Hoyun being so nice, thisnis abit confusing..

Is he really an angel of fan signings?"

"Seo Hoyun is usually confusing us whether he's a total jerk or not...

Oh, I see..."

As they watched Seo Hoyun , who confused the Noeuls, subtitles appeared below him.

[It seems like you two don't have any intention of performing the mission...]

The general public watching this felt disappointed by the unexpectedly peaceful progress.

However, those who knew Seo Hoyun well were convinced that there was no way the variety show would continue so normally. Surely, that bastard was plotting and simulating the situation in his favor.

Whether Sung Jiwon knew this or not was the key.

While The Noeuls fans were actively discussing how the broadcast would unfold, the screen suddenly switched.

[Meanwhile, what about Kang Ichae?]

With the production team in front of her, Kang Ichae sat with her legs crossed, leisurely smiling as she slowly opened the cards laid out on the floor.

The sunglasses hanging in front of her unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt shook slightly.

[Playing poker with the production team, betting the location of jewels and gold bars]

Seeing his like this, the Noels were momentarily taken aback.

"he's really cool... but..."

"Ichae, you don't have any friends, do you?"

They didn't hold back even on each other.

"You don't have any friends, so how did you practice poker?"

"You said you tried it for the first time on V-App the other day, but looks like you practiced hard..."

After checking his cards, Kang Ichae smirked.

"All in."

And he pushed all her chips forward. The production team flinched for a moment, but soon they matched his bet and agreed to reveal their hands.

The production team was the first to reveal their hand.

An ace full house.

It was a pretty high hand.

As Kang Ichae remained silent, even after seeing it, the production team, predicting their victory, tried to gather all the chips when Kang Ichae stopped them.

"Just a moment."

Kang Ichae waved his hand to stop them and slowly revealed his cards.

[Straight flush?!?!?!

Five cards with consecutive numbers and the same suit.

The legendary hand that comes out with a 0.001% chance was now unfolding before their eyes.

"Ahㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ Don't try to show off a scripted sceneㅠ"

[He swapped them?!?!?!]

When real-time negative reactions surged, as if anticipating such suspicions, an explanation about the straight flush appeared in subtitles.

[Hold on there! To those who suspect manipulation, please watch this replay footage.]

The screen showed the dealer dealing the cards.

Then, the same scene repeated very slowly. Simultaneously, Kang Ichae's sleight of hand, swapping cards through the sleeve, was caught on camera during the brief moment when the dealer and opponent were distributing and checking the cards.

[Just like a real hustler swapping cards through the sleeve. This footage is broadcast with Kang Ichae's consent.]

[>Swearing in honor of Daepaseong, it's not manipulated<]

Everyone watching the broadcast was astonished and couldn't close their mouths.

[Did he really swap them?!?!?!]

Once Kang Ichae understood his role, he had already prepared by hiding cards up his sleeve, anticipating such a mission.

At the time of filming, neither the staff nor the PD noticed. It was only after countless reviews during editing that they discovered the truth.

[It's not manipulated... Damn... Showing Kang Ichae's face and slow motion... His sleight of hand is amazing...

└If it wasn't in slow motion, we wouldn't have noticed]

[But Ichae is wealthy... Why is he trying so hard...

└It's just for fun, that's the truth...

└└He's missing a flea's liver...]

"I've lost...."


Kang Ichae, declaring his defeat, happily kissed his cards and then received the mission card from the production team.

"Thank you, happy ending is mine~.1)"

With a line from a movie turning into a variety show motif, Kang Ichae even blew a kiss and quickly left.

[Kang Ichae Mission Success!]

[Obtained the locations of the jewels and gold bars.]

The jacket draped over Kang Ichae's shoulders fluttered.

The Noeuls couldn't help but smirk involuntarily.

[Yeah, even without friends, Ichae just needs... swag

[ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThis is Ichae's mysterious 1-piece ㅠ]



As Kang Ichae obtained the locations of the jewels and gold bars, Jung Dajun headed to Daepaseong to learn the mission code under the direction of the staff.

"Let me mesmerize you all."

With his confidence soaring these days, he confidently entered the company, flicking his hair back.

Having grown up observing Seo Hoyun's gentle persuasion skills, Jung Dajun was confident he could follow suit.

As he walked along the familiar path, just as he was about to pass through the lobby, he was called by Han Inyeong, who was sitting at the reception.

[Who is waiting for Jung Dajun to come for the mission?]

"I'm here?"


But this time, an unexpected figure appeared.

"We've been waiting."

[Is Min Jiheon crazy??!??!?!?!!!!!!!!!!]

It was Min Jiheon, exuding even more of an actor's aura than when he was on "Take the Camera."

Originally, one of the staff was supposed to do it, but when they spotted Min Jiheon aimlessly wandering around the company, Jihyeon lit up and recruited him on the spot.

Feeling bored at the time, thinking his younger brother would like it if he appeared on The Dawn's variety show, and hoping to meet Seohoyun if he did well, Min Jiheon readily accepted the offer.


Not knowing any of this, Jung Dajun was confronted head-on by his ultimate bias, causing his movements to freeze as if buffering.


Then, Min Jiheon stepped out of the reception area with a smile and approached Jung Dajun.

"Do you have something you're looking for?"



It seems like Jung Dajun is mesmerized]

[My point is...

Well, I guess I would freak out if I met Seo hoyun too? That would blow my mind on the spot.

└Jung Dajun seems to be a very patient person...]

Staring at his ultimate pick, which he had only seen on TV screens before, now moving just 1m away from him, Jung Dajun shook his head from side to side to regain his composure.

After all, he had a mission to mesmerize his opponent, guess the movie line correctly, and obtain the code.


Jung Dajun hit the wall next to Min Jiheon with his hand, forcing his trembling lips into a forced smile.

"Jung ah, shall we try loving each other properly?"

[Jung Dajun's ultimate pickup line: hitting the wall.]

[ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI'm going crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

Despite delivering what he thought was a dramatic line from "take the Camera," Min Jiheon simply smiled down at the close Jung Dajun.

It wasn't the answer to the mission.

"...Um. Looks like it's not it. Sorry."

Disappointment and bewilderment rushed over the youngest like a wave, and he quickly tried to pull his hand away from the wall and run away. However, Min Jiheon was faster, catching Jung Dajun's arm first.


Their positions swapped, and when they regained their senses, Jung Dajun found himself trapped between Min Jiheon's arm and the wall.

Jung Dajun's eyes darted around wildly, while Min Jiheon's head slowly tilted downward. His neatly falling brown hair brushed against his forehead...

The scene was captured beautifully, enough to confuse even the director as to whether this was a variety show or a drama.

[Wow, but Min Jiheon...

He's really something, seriously...

└He's mastered the art of looking like a drama character...]

"...Let's break up."

"...Huh? With me, Sunbae?"

"Let's break up."

[But he's talking nonsense...


"We... haven't even dated?"

[Jung Dajun is going for another round...

└Oh damn, I feel like I'm going crazyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

The bewildered expression on Jung Dajun's face was fully captured on the screen. Although it seemed like a familiar phrase, with Min Jiheon right in front of him, his thoughts wavered.

Watching Jung Dajun, who was frowning deeply, Min Jiheon spoke with a determined yet poignant expression and a soft voice.

"Do you even loved me?"



In that moment, a shiver ran down his spine.

Not only had Jung Dajun never experienced love, he hadn't even had a crush or been in a relationship. It was a famous line from a melodrama he had cried over.

Jung Dajun, who had been smiling until then, slapped his forehead with his hand and delivered the next line.

"H-How can this changes?!!!"


Then, the production team behind the camera hit the xylophone like crazy.

[Jung Dajun mission success!]

[Obtained the mission code.]

[Hey, Jung Dajun]

[Jung Dajun, how did you know this? You weren't even born yet.]


"Goodbye, Dajun-ssi."

"Yes!! Y-yes! Senior, I'm really your fan!!"

"Haha, I'm a fan of you too, Dajun-ssi."

After releasing a cry of joy and bowing 90 degrees in response to Min Jiheon's words, Jung Dajun ran off. As he ran, Min Jiheon, watching him with an adorable expression, briefly appeared on the screen.

"Hyung!! Ichae hyung, I got it, ahh!!"

Having received early education through dramas and movies even before being born, Jung Dajun, a drama enthusiast, was able to tackle this problem.

As soon as he stepped out of the company, Jung Dajun eagerly took out his phone and called Kang Ichae, his excitement evident.

- Got it?

"Ah!! Oh, Min Jiheon senior's acting was amazing, no, anyway, did you win the bet?"

- Of course, I did. So what?

"How can love change?!!"

As Jung Dajun's innocent voice filled with joy rang out, Kang Ichae's faint laughter came through the phone.

- Yeah, how can it change, Dajun.

The moment those words reached his ears, Jung Dajun felt a chill down his spine.


- It seems like this is the end for us.


Without further explanation, Kang Ichae ended the call.

Staring blankly at the phone that abruptly disconnected, Jung Dajun dialed again.


- You have reached the voicemail...



[Ahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Wow ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's really throwing him away like thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

"Wait, why?!"

[Why? Because you got betrayedㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Second betrayal occurred!

Kang Ichae betrays Jung Dajun!]

Feeling unjustly betrayed, Jung Dajun lay down on the floor and rolled his feet while Kang Ichae, using the speakerphone, was making a call somewhere.

- Hello?

"Did you have a good time, Macau?"

Kang Ichae smiled widely as if it was fun.

"Is everything prepared as you wanted?"

With less than 5 minutes left until the end of the broadcast, the screen suddenly rewound like a video, and the subtitle '10 minutes before shooting' appeared.

In the studio where the members were seated, Seong Jiwon, Kim Seonghyun, and Jung Dajun were chatting happily, while Kang Ichae was in the corner shuffling cards and stretching alone.

"Kang Ichae."

Seo Hoyun approached Kang Ichae quietly, his footsteps silent. Kang Ichae looked up at him, eyebrows twitching slightly.

"Let's play together."

With a spotlight on his back and a slightly cocked head, Seo Hoyoon's posture seemed arrogantly confident.

"I'll make sure you don't regret it."

But his confidence seemed to back his words.

Kang Ichae's lips curved up into a joyful smile.

Simultaneously, the lineup of the opposing teams shifted, and lines were drawn on CG above Jung Dajun and Kim Sunghyun's emoticons.

Instead, a new figure was added next to Kang Ichae, and arrows pointing towards each other were exchanged.

[Kang Ichae, Seo Hoyun.

Secret Alliance.]

From the beginning, they had planned to betray the other members.


As Kang Ichae walked away, movie background music played in the scene.

"Do you know who the betrayer is?"

- Oh, Sung Jiwon.

"Kim Seonghyun hyung said it's him."

- Of course he'd lie, you brat. Would Kim Seonghyun just spill the beans?

"Hmm. It seems like he would."

- That's your opinion.

Listening to Seo Hoyun's words, Kang Ichae lowered his gaze slightly and rubbed his chin, contemplating. Then he came to a conclusion.

"Why? I'll tell you anyway. Actually, I already sent the locker location via text."

Raising his gaze, his eyes focused on something.

"But you know—."

It was the public phone installed by the production team for reporting betrayal.

"—even if I tell you now, it's already a bit late."

From the start, Kang Ichae had planned to betray Seo Hoyun as well.

"I'll be faster than you, hyung."

[Third betrayal occurred!

Kang Ichae betrays Seo Hoyun!]
