Greek Mythology(Gods and Goddesses)

There are 12 Main Gods that will be referred throughout the series, excluding Hades(God of Death) and Hestia(Goddess of Hearth), they are named below:

1.Zeus(King of Universe, God of Sky and Thunder) 

2.Hera(Queen of Universe, Goddess of Marriage) 

3.Poseidon(God of Seas and Oceans) 

4.Demeter(Goddess of Agriculture and Grain) 

5.Ares(God of War) 

6.Athena(Goddess of Warfare and Wisdom) 

7.Apollo(God of Sun, Prophecy, Music, Medicine) 

8.Artemis(Goddess of Moon, Hunting, Archery) 

9.Aphrodite (Goddess of Love, Beauty, Fertility) 

10.Hermes (God of Commerce, Communication, Theft, Transport) 

11.Hephaestus (God of Craft, Forge, Invention)

12.12.Dionysus (God of Wine, Madness, Grapevine) 

