The Banishment of a God

In an unknown majestic palace, situated atop a mountain that pierced through the bodies of clouds up into the bright sky. 

The palace was beautifully crafted with exquisite ornamentation that bore a keen resemblance to Doric architecture of the past -reminiscent of the glory of the civilizations of ancient past.

The palace was entirely built from gold and topaz but from a keen observer's point of view it had unique intrications and patterns that ran throughout the whole surface of the castle.

 The palace upheld an otherworldly aura signifying a godly pressure that at a glance seemed to judge its visitors if they were worthy enough to enter. 

Two giant doors also made from gold and topaz stood at the forefront of the castle but rather than being engraved with the previous patterns like before the doors were adorned with something else.

Faces were engraved on the doors. Yes, faces. 12 Faces were engraved on the doors, 6 on each side that added to the strange allure and godly presence of the palace.

All in all, The palace was a sight to behold with the naked eye with its unique patterns and adornments etched on its walls as if signifying the presence of something dangerous which was not to be yet uncovered.

Inside the palace, more Doric architecture was present, quite much in abundance and similarity if compared to its signs outside.

A finely knit crimson carpet ran in a straight line in the middle of the palace, starting from the entrance up to a small set of stairs which added up to form a small stage standing erect in the middle of the palace .

But what held out inside out of all the majestic and godly glamor of the palace were 12 seats.

Out of those 12 seats, two seats were situated atop the small stage which stood erect in the middle.

These two seats were much larger and much more finely crafted and refined - etched with various precious gemstones and two large cup holders fixated at the sides of the seats - than the rest of the ten seats. A man and woman were sitting at the two respective seats.

The man, at a glance seemed to be in his mid 30's and was quite bulky, with a toned and chiseled body which bulged with muscles. He had a beautiful and handsome face with jutted cheekbones, sharp jawline, short cropped blond hair and beautiful sky blue eyes followed by a cropped beard that seemed to entrance any person that set their eyes upon him.

The man was wearing a beautiful white chiton - fastened at his shoulder with the help of a himation - and brown sandals. Completing his ensemble was a green laurel wreath sitting atop the man's head.

The woman seemed to be in her late 20's and beautiful enchanting face as if exclusively crafted by the hands of God himself.

Pure liquorice black hair cascaded down her back stopped a little short from the waist. Her body was beautifully proportioned with enchanting curves that accentuated her beauty.

Her eyes were the shade of an oxen brown giving her face an innocent look. The woman was also wearing a white chiton accompanied by a peplos and also having a laurel wreath sitting atop her head.

The rest of the ten seats were arranged in an orderly fashion with five on each side of the red carpet and also facing towards the carpet.

These ten seats, although lacking in terms of craftsmanship and adornment if compared with the previous two seats, didn't lack any less and were still a sight to behold.

 Similar to the previous two seats, these seats were also occupied by men and women. Six men and 4 women if one excluded the two mentioned formerly. 

The five seats on the left side were all occupied by men and the four seats on the right side - starting from the top - were occupied by women with the last one at the bottom being occupied by another man.

Silence reigned in the room and the atmosphere was thick and palpable with tension with no one daring to speak yet.

 As if to dissipate the silence and tension in the air, the man sitting atop the chair on the stage addressed the rest of the people present within the palace with deep and raspy voice,

"There is no doubt that he will continue to be the cause of our destruction and downfall if we fail to put an end to him for once and for all. You all are fully aware of the destruction, a testament to the failure and consequences of our actions. As the Law and Order of this Olympian Council and also its god, I , Zeus, hereby declare for him to be exterminated and banished for once and for all to free this world from his wretched grasp."

As if on cue, the woman sitting besides Zeus spoke up in acknowledge of his words,

"Zeus is right, there is no peace in the world until we get rid of him for good and exterminate the threat he poses to the existence of the universe as we speak. He can no longer be allowed to roam free and kill however he pleases. Remember, he broke the vow of gods and is no longer one of us."

The tension eased a little in the room once the two people sitting at the top voiced their opinions of the current state of matters. 

Taking her end of speech as a sign of acknowledgement to speak further, a man sitting just in front of Zeus at the starting the number of left seats, with a toned and refined physique and short cropped green hair, further added,

"I personally agree with Hera and Zeus, he may once have been the brother of us, but we gods have a respect and dignity to maintain. It is apparent that we are well under the threat of extinction if we do not take swift action against the calamity."

Another man who sat beside Poseidon, the man who just spoke, had a well toned body in which the chest and the short beard were blazing with fire…quite literally and long crimson hair. He had talked without a moment of haste, excited by the proposal of death and fighting,

"Indeed, I have never held any fondness for him. As a matter of fact, I will experience the greatest form of pleasure as I personally drag his lifeless corpse across the battlefield with my chariot."

A woman - with a beauty capable of stealing the hearts of every sentient being of universe - sitting in front of the man who just spoke, chuckled lightly and remarked at the man's comment with amusement,

"Now, now Ares, we must not forget who he is. After all, he is the God of the Underworld and was the well known [Dimensional Eradicator]."

A seed of fear and uncertainty crept up Ares's spine as he was reminded of the man's titles especially the latter, but not wanting to display his fear in front of the council and primarily his girlfriend, he flexed his muscles to dismiss some of his fear and calm himself down,

"S-So what haha, don't you trust your boyfriend Aphrodite?"

A man with long blond hair cascading down his back and green emerald eyes sitting beside Ares, casually dismissed the latter's not so confident act not even bothering to look at him,

"Do not act erroneously, Ares. Do you really take the current predicament that easily? Must I remind you that he is the same man who could kill you in the blink of an eye? There is also the matter of his wife, may I mention that."

On the mention of "wife", a frown appeared on the face of a woman sitting in front of Poseidon. She had long cream colored hair resembling the color of ripe wheat and dark green eyes. 

Noticing the subtle facial expression of the woman, Zeus was quick to remark,

"Do not make haste to make your own judgments, Apollo. For as long as his wife chooses to remain neutral in these confrontations not a single strand of her hair would be harmed. You have my word on River Styx(1),Demeter."

On the end of his remark, a man who was the basic definition of ugly with a misshapen head, hair all over his body and crippled legs but large and well toned muscles, casually added,

"On the note, I will prepare the weapons for everyone who is going to take part this time."

Pleased by the desire to help, Zeus replied with a small smile on his face,

"Most excellent, Hephaestus; your assistance will be greatly appreciated."

After that, silence reigned again in the palace for a minute as Zeus eyed the Gods who hadn't spoken a word since the start of the meeting. Not sensing any sort of change or will to speak in their expressions he sighed and then rose his chin as he declared quickly.

"Those who wish to remain neutral this time are free to do so but they will also not be awarded with any rewards afterwards if that ever comes. But mark my words, if even a piece of paper is handed over to him that may be useful for him, I, not as God of Universe and Law and Order but personally will regret him ever being born."

Zeus stopped for a few seconds to see if anyone still wanted to speak up but after no change in anything, he concluded the meeting with his final verdict,

"Now we must depart, and I bid you farewell, for this shall be the last time we meet in this life. I, Zeus, God of the Universe and of Law and Order, along with the esteemed members of this council—Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Dionysus, Hera, Hermes, Artemis, and Hephaestus—hereby decree the extermination of the abomination—Hades—that has long plagued us, defiling our noble name. This…" he paused, his voice a low rumble. " our final opportunity, and we must succeed."

All the rest of the gods stood up and bowed in unison while simultaneously acknowledging his verdict.

"By your will."


(1):For Greek Gods, giving their promise or word on River Styx was the highest promise they could give and they could never break it.
