The Heir And Prince Combo


[The Next Day]

Arthur woke up along with everyone and they quickly folded their slumber bags before putting them into their rucksacks. 

Everyone washed their faces before having a breakfast by roasting the leftover raw meat of last night.

They devoured it while revising the plan of last night and this time Rosa also participated in the talks.

Last night, after Arthur had been chosen to go alone on the side with Solis, Alexander had informed Rosa of the same structure as last time.

Although they would be in a little pinch due to Solis dropping out and the difficulty increasing, there wasn't going to be much of a problem where if situation got very dire Alexander had permitted Misha to use her full power and obliterate the threat.

Rosa was still silent during the informing of her position and actions, with only nodding at certain points.

But today, she was visibly different from last night and it wasn't due to sleep or rest.