Traumatized and Waking Up


[After 1 Day]

Arthur's closed eyes twitched as they felt a drop of liquid land on them, causing them to weakly open, only to be met with more drops raining down on his body.

As his eyes slowly opened, he was met with a gray sheet of sky expanding everywhere, with clouds thundering and the fall of rain drops steadily increasing.

It was going to rain heavily, and if he didn't do something soon then he was going to be soaked.

Arthur tried to stand up, only to be met with difficulty because of his weak body.

With immense effort he was finally able to stand up, only for the rain to increase, turning into a downpour.

He looked around and was met with dark trees all around him, making him realize that he was in the clearing of a forest.

He looked at the ground, only to end up finding rock solid mud around him but no signs of rubble or destroyed structures meaning that he wasn't at the ruins of the manor.