The Inn

Lei stepped into the inn, its interior bathed in a warm, inviting glow that offered respite from the chilly night air. The comforting scent of woodsmoke and hearth fire enveloped him as he approached the front desk, where a kindly innkeeper greeted him with a friendly smile.

"Welcome, traveler," the innkeeper said, his voice warm and hearty. "How can I assist you this evening?"

Lei returned the smile, grateful for the innkeeper's hospitality. "I'm in need of a room for the night," he replied. "Preferably something cozy and quiet."

The innkeeper nodded understandingly, tapping a few keys on the register before sliding a ledger across the counter towards Lei. "Of course, sir. We have a room available for you. That'll be twenty credits for the night," he explained.

Lei furrowed his brow slightly, unfamiliar with the concept of credits. "Credits?" he asked, puzzled.

The innkeeper chuckled, noticing Lei's confusion. "Ah, I see you're new to our city. Credits are the currency we use here. They're digital tokens that represent value and can be exchanged for goods and services," he explained patiently.

Lei nodded, beginning to grasp the concept. "And how do I acquire these credits?" he inquired.

The innkeeper smiled, reaching under the counter to produce a small device resembling a card reader. "You can exchange your currency for credits at any of the city's exchange centers. Or, if you prefer, you can earn credits by completing tasks or providing services within the city," he elaborated.

Lei nodded in understanding, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his wallet. He exchanged his currency for the required credits and handed them over to the innkeeper, who in turn handed Lei the brass key to his room.

"Thank you," Lei said with a nod of gratitude, feeling more at ease now that he understood the local currency.

"My pleasure, sir. Enjoy your stay," the innkeeper replied warmly, bidding Lei goodnight as he made his way down the dimly lit hallway towards his room.

As Lei settled into his cozy accommodations, the flickering flames of the fireplace casting dancing shadows across the walls, he couldn't help but marvel at the intricacies of this strange new world. And as he drifted off to sleep, he felt a sense of excitement building within him, eager to discover what other wonders awaited him in the days to come.