Magic class

Lei entered the classroom for his magical combat course with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The room buzzed with energy as students chattered amongst themselves, eagerly anticipating the day's lesson. Rows of wooden desks were arranged in a semi-circle around a spacious practice area, where targets and training dummies stood ready for action.

Taking a seat near the front, Lei eagerly awaited the arrival of the instructor. Moments later, a tall figure clad in robes swept into the room, commanding attention with their presence. It was Professor Alistair, a renowned mage and expert in combat magic.

"Good morning, class," Professor Alistair greeted, their voice carrying authority and warmth. "Today, we shall delve into the fundamentals of magical combat—a discipline that requires both skill and strategy."

As the lesson began, Professor Alistair demonstrated various spells and techniques, illustrating the principles of offensive and defensive magic with precision and flair. Lei watched intently, absorbing every word and gesture with rapt attention.

When it came time for practical exercises, Lei's nerves flared anew. Would he be able to keep up with his classmates? Would his own magical abilities prove sufficient for the challenges ahead?

As the students paired off to practice, Lei found himself partnered with a fellow novice—a friendly-faced young woman named Elara. Together, they faced off against a series of magical constructs conjured by Professor Alistair, each one designed to test their reflexes and proficiency in combat magic.

With a deep breath, Lei summoned forth his magic, channeling his energy into a burst of golden light that arced towards their target. To his surprise, the spell struck true, dispersing the construct with a satisfying burst of energy.

Encouraged by his success, Lei continued to hone his skills, learning to adapt and improvise in the heat of battle. He discovered a natural affinity for elemental magic, wielding fire and lightning with ease, and found himself drawn to spells of protection and healing, eager to aid his allies in times of need.

As the class drew to a close, Professor Alistair commended Lei and his classmates for their efforts, praising their dedication and progress. Lei couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the recognition, his confidence buoyed by the knowledge that he was on the right path to mastering his magical abilities.