A Cold Reception

"Ava Sterling, open this door right now," Nathan Ford demanded, his voice laced with irritation as he stood outside, clad only in a bathrobe. 


"I'm busy, Mr. Ford. Feel free to spend the night out there if it doesn't bother you. Otherwise, I suggest you head back to your own place and get some comfortable sleep," Ava Sterling retorted with glee. 


Nathan Ford, seething with anger and helpless behind the door, yelled, "Ava Sterling, I mean it, open the door!" 


Ava, delighted by her own antics, playfully stuck her tongue out towards the door and raised her voice, "I'd be a fool to let you in. Just wait outside."


"Ava Sterling!" Nathan Ford's voice was tight with anger, his patience wearing thin as he kicked the door in frustration. 


Ava Sterling heard the loud bang as the door shuddered. She instinctively shrank back, cautioning him, "Careful, someone might report you for disturbing the peace!" 


"Ava Sterling!" Nathan Ford took a deep breath, his face flushed with fury, then suddenly, his tone softened, "I was wrong earlier; just open the door, please."


Ava Sterling paused, approaching the door, "Nathan Ford, do you think I'm a three-year-old child?" 


"Darling?" Nathan's voice was tender, a soft entreaty that made Ava shiver involuntarily, feeling goosebumps all over. 


"Nathan Ford, be serious! You only have two choices: go back to bed or leave!" Ava's voice was firm. 


"This is my house; why should I leave? Ava Sterling, just open the door. I need to sleep," Nathan argued, barely containing his frustration, wondering how Ava could be enjoying this situation so much from the other side of the door.


Ava Sterling laughed, clutching her stomach, "There's a guest room next door. Go sleep there. And hey, no more wandering around, be careful or someone might accuse you of disturbing the peace. You seem to have forgotten this is your house!" Ava's voice dropped to a whisper with the last few words. 


The door was once again kicked by Nathan Ford. Ava, in a soothing manner, lay down in front of the door and said to Nathan, "Be good, get some rest."


Yawning, Ava lazily stretched out on the bed. With Nathan Ford standing outside, sleep eluded her for the moment. She picked up a book she had started the day before and began to read.


Before she knew it, she had read most of the book and the noises outside had ceased. Ava glanced at her phone.


"It's midnight!"


Realizing she had work the next day, she placed the book on a shelf nearby. Walking on tiptoes and with caution, she approached the door, listened intently for any sound, and, finding none, turned off the light and went to bed.


The next morning, Ava Sterling's biological clock woke her on time. She went to the bathroom, freshened up, and while still shaking off the grogginess of sleep, she reached the door, only to be startled by the sight of someone standing outside, screaming in alarm.




"Nathan Ford! Why are you haunting me? What are you doing standing outside my door so early in the morning?"


Ava took a sudden step back, her already pale face turning even paler from fright.


As Nathan Ford began to speak, his voice was hoarse, leading him to cough uncontrollably.


"... Ava Sterling, you're ruthless!"


Nathan weakly raised his arm, pointing at Ava. Dark circles under his eyes, he looked at her wearily.


Ava burst into laughter, showing no mercy at the sight of Nathan's half-dead appearance, bending over with laughter.


"Nathan Ford, are you silly? The guest room has blankets, why didn't you sleep there last night?"


Nathan glared at her, "Last night, you promised to open the door for me after changing!"


Ava suddenly felt puzzled, staring at him, "Did I? I don't remember agreeing to that."


Nathan was left speechless, coughing again from the effort.