The Result of the Contest

Iris Hart gracefully and naturally handed her entry to the person in front of her. After a brief eye contact, Iris withdrew her gaze and sat quietly, waiting patiently.


Ava Sterling watched someone approach to collect their designs. Taking a deep breath and after ensuring there were no errors, she handed them over.


"Alright! Our judges will now begin to review this batch of entries. Please be patient with us. This competition is entirely transparent, fair, and open, with all evaluations conducted publicly in front of everyone. With 80 cameras live broadcasting the event, rest assured of its international standard and fairness."


Given its international scale, the competition drew significant attention. Ava Sterling was confident in her skills but felt a flutter of nervousness participating in such a large-scale contest.


Zoe Dawson reassured her, "Don't worry, we will definitely outshine Iris Hart."