Unexpected Developments

Upon hearing Nathan's voice, Chloe's complexion changed instantly. Why was Nathan here? Wasn't there a rumor circulating that he had a lover and was indifferent towards Ava?


If he truly didn't care about Ava, why would he accompany her back to the Sterling home?


Originally, Chloe was sure that Ava would not be favored in the Ford family, and her parents were also attracted to her, so she dared to be so bold and come up with the idea of turning Ava's room into a pet house. She figured even if Ava objected or confronted her, nobody would back Ava up... But Nathan's presence threw all her plans into disarray.


"Nathan, why are you here?"


"Why can't I be here?" Nathan stepped protectively behind Ava, his intentions clear.


Chloe, who had been so bold and arrogant just moments before, seemed to shrink in stature in front of Nathan.