
After leaving the Sterling residence, Ava felt a weight lift off her chest. "Thanks for today," she said gratefully. Without Nathan's support, dealing with Chloe would have been headache enough, let alone facing Diana, who would have undoubtedly turned the tables against her.


"It's nothing," Nathan replied, his tone distant. From the moment they left the Sterling home, Ava noticed something was off with Nathan.


"What's wrong? You seem upset. Don't tell me you actually believe Chloe's words?" Ava asked.


Nathan remained silent, and Ava rolled her eyes in frustration, deciding to ignore him. Whether he believed Chloe or not, it was his problem, not hers.


When they got home, Nathan went straight upstairs to his study without a word. Ava had wanted to thank Nathan with a meal, but his attitude left her speechless.


"Who spoiled him to be this moody!" she muttered to herself.