Cold War

"Alright, then I'll ask the head nurse to add an extra bed next to yours. You haven't slept all night; you need some rest," Ava arranged everything and then headed home to find Nathan, feeling that, after yesterday's events, she owed him an apology.


However, she couldn't find Nathan anywhere in the house. It was Saturday, and the company was closed, so where could he be? Ava was puzzled and a bit worried as her calls continued to go unanswered.


Wanting to apologize to Nathan but unable to find him, Ava tidied up at home, deciding that Alex's critical condition needed her attention more urgently at the moment. Once Zoe had come back to swap with her, Ava stayed by Alex's side in the hospital, where the doctor said Alex would wake up by afternoon.


During this time, Ava kept sending Nathan text messages, but there was no response, as if her messages were sinking into the sea.