
Ava handed the sobering soup to Nathan, her tone calm and detached.


"It was me who saved you that time. I called the ambulance, and I put you in it. I don't know how Iris got involved. I had an urgent matter and had to leave right after."


Nathan felt dizzy upon hearing Ava's words. He hadn't drunk much tonight, but he was struggling to comprehend what she was saying.


"If you don't believe me, you can check the surveillance footage from that time. You can also check the call records for when I called for the ambulance. If the paramedics remember me, they can confirm it."


Nathan's heart pounded, his hand trembling slightly as he held his phone. Ava had no reason to lie to him now, which meant only one thing: she was telling the truth.


"Ava, are you serious?" Nathan was overwhelmed with emotion. He had never imagined the truth could be like this.


Seeing Nathan's disbelief, Ava sneered.