
Nathan opened his bleary eyes and saw Ava standing there. He quickly straightened up. "Ava, what are you doing here…"


Ava grabbed Nathan's arm and pinched it hard, her tone laced with a threat. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? Get back home right now. If I find you in a bar again, I'll break your legs!"


It took all of Ava's strength to get Nathan home. By the time they arrived, she was out of breath. Looking at Nathan, who had passed out again, her anger surged. She eventually made some sobering soup and managed to get him to drink it. When Nathan woke up, it was already afternoon. He vaguely remembered seeing Ava at the bar.


Opening his eyes, Nathan's head throbbed painfully. He realized he was back home but had no memory of how he got there. Ava was sitting on the sofa nearby, watching him without a word, waiting to see what he would do next.