The Final Step

Hearing the noise, Ethan walked over, curiosity evident on his face.


"Why didn't you answer the phone?"


Ava smiled, not wanting to burden Ethan with the truth, knowing he was already swamped. "It was an unknown number, probably a scam call. No need to answer it."


Ethan nodded and walked away, a slight smile playing on his lips. He had already thoroughly investigated Matthew Garcia and had just glimpsed the caller ID on Ava's phone. It was indeed Matthew Garcia's number. Ethan felt a sense of relief, thinking that his warning had made Ava wary of Matthew. As long as Ava kept her distance from him, things would gradually improve.


Meanwhile, Matthew Garcia, realizing no one was answering his call, began to worry. It had been nearly two weeks since he last saw Ava. If the hypnosis sessions were interrupted, all his previous efforts might be in vain. How would he explain this to Iris?