
"No, nothing's wrong. You take care of Alex. I'm leaving now," Daniel Martinez said, almost fleeing from the room in confusion. What was going on? He immediately called his contact to confirm again.


Shortly after, he received a real-time video showing Ava sitting on the couch at the Sterling house, feeding the baby. Damn it!


Daniel Martinez ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He had just returned from the hospital and was sure Ava was there. So who was this woman at the Sterling house? After pondering for a while, he started piecing things together... and a bold idea emerged. The Ava at the Sterling house must be an imposter, most likely arranged by Iris.


However, a guess was just a guess. Daniel Martinez never acted without certainty, so he ordered further investigation. As excitement began to build, he realized that with two Avas, one of them had to be real, and maybe Alex could finally get what he wished for.