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"Nathan, I have an embarrassing request. I don't know if you can help me."


Fake Ava's expression was filled with hesitation, as if she were too ashamed to speak. Nathan immediately put down his tableware and looked at her with concern, his voice firm.


"Just tell me. If I can help, I definitely will!"


"Well... as you know, I'm home every day taking care of the child. Without a job, I have no income. Raising a child costs money, and I can't be idle at the Sterling house. There are various expenses to take care of. My money ran out a couple of weeks ago. Could you lend me some? Once the child is a bit older, I'll get a job and pay you back."


Fake Ava intentionally made herself sound pitiful, confident that Nathan would definitely give her the money. Hearing her plea, Nathan felt a deep pang of guilt.