Chapter 7

Hector’s POV

I was still in the pack hospital with Thea and received a call.

"Liam? What happened? Virus invasion? Who did it?!" I was angry. Someone had dared to attack Saunders Group? I would kill them!

"What happened, Hector?"

"None of your business. Thea, go home and take good care of yourself." With those words, I left the hospital without listening to Thea's response.

What a lousy woman.

When I arrived at Saunders Group, chaos reigned. I hid my scent and found a shadowed place to silently observe everything.

"Who did it? It's been hours. Why don't you have a clue? Are all the people in the technical department fools despite earning several million dollars a year? Our customer information is still leaking. If we don't fix the bug, Saunders Group will be a joke in New York. You will all be fired!"