Chapter 13 Emma, I Underestimated You!

Emma’s POV

"Alpha, please calm down and don't hit Luna!" one of the pack members exclaimed.

"Luna is so nice and loves you so much. Will you feel guilty if you beat her?" another pack member added.

"If you dare to hit Luna again, we will fight you even though you are our alpha! Wolves don’t hurt mates! NEVER!" a third pack member threatened.

These people were pack members of Blood Stone Pack and employees of Saunders Group's administrative department. I had entrusted them with meals and gifts for Hector as tokens of my love, and they had the chance to take their remnants. After several exchanges, they had already treated me as their friend.

Hector and I still maintained ambiguous postures. From a distance, it was apparent that Hector relied on his tall stature to bully me, who was delicate and frail.