Chapter 26

Hector's POV

The woman in my arms was as light as a feather, stirring up an infinite desire to protect her within me.

How come I hadn't realized in the past four years how...alluring she was?

Rex began to shout again, "Hector, because she's our mate! Mate! I'm very sure!"

"You can't be sure. I don't feel the mate bond, which means you don't feel it either,"

I retorted to Rex while using one hand to carry Emma on my right shoulder and the other to turn on the shower-head to feel the water temperature.

It wasn't too hot or too cold, just right.

Emma on my shoulder began to struggle again. I almost couldn't control her.

Where did this woman get so much brute strength from?

"Hector,'re not really going to bathe me, are you? I warn you to stop now, don't take advantage of me!"

This woman thought I was in heat?
