Chapter 53

Emma's POV

"A bomb shelter."

I tapped the iron door in front of me a few times, deducing the location where Chris tricked me into coming, and muttered.

This woman, she was really vicious.

I surveyed the place I was in -

The damp air smelled musty and rotten, and occasionally rats and cockroaches and unknown insects crawled past me, horrifying to the extreme. Such an environment must be a nightmare for the average person, but for me I felt nothing.

But I was in a relaxed mood. Because in the past, in order to exercise themselves, worse environment, I have been there.

In fact, I have a hundred ways to escape, but I did not, just quietly waiting.

Not only did not, I also deliberately made myself look like a mess, a minute to hang.

I rubbed the ground with a stone to create a fire, and then by the light of the fire, I used the stone to write on the wall "click click click".

Several hours passed.