Chapter 62

Emma’s POV

After a few days, the man was still as handsome and charming as ever, especially with his perfect long legs. It seemed like he had recovered well without any lingering effects.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a bit confused. What did it matter to me whether this jerk recovered well or not?

I adjusted my hair and cleared my throat, thinking that since we were still married, it would be polite to greet him before going our separate ways.

I waved at him and put on what I thought was a natural professional smile. "Hi..."

However, Hector's handsome face turned ice-cold, and he walked past me as if I were air... and left!!


My smile froze on my face, and I felt both embarrassed and angry.

What was this guy being so arrogant for? Even if we were going to reject each other, we had been taking care of each other for several days. Did he have to act so rude? What an ungrateful person!