Chapter 6 Men's physical strength is amazing

Olive suddenly felt embarrassed.

She doesn't care if Neil is broke or rich.

But if Neil is like Ezra Greene, he insists on showing off, but he doesn't seem to have the ability to turn the tide, which makes her very speechless.

She looked at Neil in disappointment.

At this moment, the fat manager came back in a hurry, looked at the group of people waiting outside Rosypark, and finally fixed his eyes on Neil.

Is this the big man the boss said he couldn't offend?

Obviously he has a strong aura and is extraordinary, but the fat manager is still a little uncertain.

Such a rich and powerful person would come to dine in a three-star hotel like them?

The hotel suddenly flourished.

The fat manager walked up to Neil cautiously, "Excuse me, is that Mr. Meyer?"

"Hmm." Neil responded lightly.

The fat manager, as if facing the grace of God, hastened to be respectful:

"Mr. Meyer, our boss just called and asked me to prepare the best box for you, this way please, this way please."

Ezra Greene + Olive + a dozen employees: this, this, this...! ?

"Let's go, let's eat first." Neil looked at Olive, and Olive looked shocked, "Neil, do you know the owner of the hotel?"

Neil: "No."

In everyone's shock and disbelief, everyone was invited into the box.

After taking his seat, Ezra Greene swallowed the sarcasm and sarcasm that he had prepared a long time ago amidst the discussions among the employees.

"Is this the most luxurious box in the Grand Hotel? It's too big, too wide, too luxurious."

"I heard that the minimum consumption standard for this box is more than 5,000, and there is also a 15% service fee. Will you give us a free service fee later?"

"Sure, don't you see that the hotel owner is very generous to Olive's husband?"

Ezra Greene was very upset. He looked at Neil who moved the chair for Olive in a bad mood:

"Neil, the minimum consumption for this box is more than 5,000, which is not included in the consumption standard for staff dinners. You will pay for it later."

Fat Manager: "Mr. Meyer, our boss said, you can order whatever you want to eat and drink today, he pays the bill, and he treats guests. Also, our boss is on his way here, and he wants to ask you in person in a while. Toast, and I hope you can show me some face."

Ezra Greene's face was extremely ugly.

A person who was born as a farmer and went bankrupt and penniless, what face can he have?

"Neil." Olive gently tugged at the corner of Neil's clothes, "What's the relationship between you and the hotel owner? He's giving you face like this?"

Neil handed her the menu, "You see what you want to eat first, and order whatever you want."

Olive has 10,000 question marks in his heart, so he has no time to order food.

Neil reminds, "Order."

After a meal, the fat manager and several waiters waited respectfully beside him as if they were serving the emperor.

During the meeting, the employees also asked Neil some questions, most of which were answered by Olive, or Neil responded casually.

And Ezra Greene, with a black face the whole time.

After the meal, the group was about to leave, but the fat manager respectfully persuaded them to stay, "Mr. Meyer, our boss is stuck in traffic, can you wait for him for a few more minutes, he wants to see you in person, just a few minutes."

Neil naturally knew the reason why the hotel owner wanted to meet him because of the traffic jam.

He thought for a few seconds, looked at the fat manager's badge, and said, "Mr. Kane, take a step to speak."

Neil took a few steps away, and the fat manager hurriedly followed him respectfully.

Neil put it succinctly, "Mr. Kane, I am very grateful for the convenience given by the hotel today. I will ask my secretary to come and check out later. If your boss has any difficulties in the future, he can ask him to find my secretary. I am in a hurry , don’t thank him in person."

In a word, let Mr. Kane understand that he can no longer be forced to stay.

The boss ordered, it would be best if this big man could be kept.

If you can't keep it, you must give away the most expensive and best wine in the hotel.

So the fat manager took a bottle of wine and insisted that Neil accept it.

After Neil declined, he walked towards Olive.

"Did the fat manager insist on giving Olive something called "Husband, a bottle of wine?" "

"That wine seems to cost 20,000 yuan a bottle, not to mention the thousands of dollars worth of meal expenses, and a bottle of good wine as well."

"Ezra, you really shouldn't have laughed at Olive's husband just now, look at the face of Olive's husband, he is not ordinary!!"

Ezra Greene snorted sourly and unconvinced.

"What's so great, isn't it a bankrupt and penniless person, how much is his face worth?"

At this point, Neil walks back.

Olive asked, "Neil, what is your relationship with this hotel owner?"

Neil responded casually, "The hotel owner is a friend of a friend of mine, he owes my friend a favor, and my friend owes me a favor."

So I gave this face?

Olive thinks it seems reasonable.

But it doesn't seem reasonable.

What kind of indirect favor can be worth thousands of dollars for a meal, and a bottle of good wine worth 20,000 dollars before leaving?

Still a little confused, but Olive wasn't going to ask any more.

Maybe Neil did have connections before he went bankrupt.

"Mr. Greene."

At this time, Neil beside Olive looked at Ezra Greene, serious.

"I remember someone said before the meal, if I can get a box, I will perform a live barking dog for everyone?"

Ezra Greene's face was livid, "..."

Not only was his face shattered, but he also felt slapped in the face.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't say a word for a while, he just wanted to find a place to burrow into the ground.

"You don't need to learn how to bark a dog."

Neil's eyes were cold.

"It's just that Olive is doing business with you, so don't bully her. She's not alone now."

Ezra Greene didn't know if Neil knew, he confessed to Olive, and wanted to sleep with Olive.

If he knew, maybe this feud would be over.

"Can I still eat her?" Ezra Greene said in a low voice, and then walked away in disgrace.

When he left, he was embarrassed and embarrassed.

On the way back, Olive wanted to ask about Neil's connections.

Think about it and give up.

She said gratefully, "Neil, thank you just for speaking up for me in front of Ezra Greene."

Neil said flatly, "I just can't understand him."

"Whether you don't like him or want to help me, thank you very much." Olive didn't care about the real reason why he helped her.

She took out her mobile phone and sent Clara Doyle a WeChat message, but Clara Doyle didn't reply her.

In the past, she would have thought that Clara Doyle was too busy with the children, so she didn't reply.

But from yesterday to now, she sent many WeChat messages, but Clara Doyle did not reply at all.

I got sick?

Or something happened?

Her best friend is really worried about her.

She had to call and ask.

Five times in a row, no one answered.

Olive is a little anxious now, should she go to Clara Doyle's house to have a look?

"Aren't you going to ask me something?" Neil, who was beside her, asked her.

She turned her head and looked at Neil, "Ask what?"

"Like what happened at the hotel just now." Neil looked at her too.

"Didn't you also say that it was your friend's friend who gave you this face. What else can I ask?"

If this is really the reason, it is unnecessary for her to ask.

If not, he deliberately concealed it, and she couldn't find out why.

So she decided not to ask.

Neil hummed and said nothing more.

Such a relationship made him not feel tired. He took out his mobile phone, dug out the email, and opened a file on his own.

And Olive, keep calling Clara Doyle.

The two of them had no communication in the car.

Back in the rental house, Neil is still not used to the cramped and small space.

But he wasn't as resistant as yesterday.

It's just that he slept very uncomfortable on the sofa last night, and his sleep quality was greatly compromised.

Fearing that it would be difficult to fall asleep again today, Neil deliberately did a few sets of exercises in the living room while Olive was taking a shower.

Olive took a half hour shower, and he also exercised for half an hour.

Olive, who also likes sports, came out and counted behind him.

120 push-ups + 120 plank jumps.

Don't take a breath! ?

How amazing is this man's physical strength?

Moreover, his clothes were already drenched with sweat, and every muscle on his arms was full of sweat from his boyfriend.

He must have done more than just these two sets of exercises just now.

Physical strength is also great! !

Seeing him get up, Olive seemed a little embarrassed, and quickly asked, "Do you also like sports?"

"Didn't sleep well last night." Neil wiped his sweat, "It's easier to fall asleep if you exercise."

Olive looked at the sofa, "Are you not used to sleeping on the sofa, or should I give you the bed?"

"No," said Neil. "There's a mosquito in the living room, buzzing all night. Is there anything you can do?"

Olive thought for a while, "I'll order a mosquito coil for you before going to bed. The environment of the rental house is relatively poor, and there are no screens, so there will always be mosquitoes flying in."

"However." She said again, "After a few days, the real estate I bought will be handed over. After the decoration is completed, we will be able to move to a new house after a few months of drying."

"Did you buy a house?" Neil asked.

Olive hummed, "I bought it on a loan, and I have to pay a monthly payment of more than 10,000 yuan."

Neil asked again, "What property."

"It's not a big developer, a small real estate. But the environment is definitely better than this urban village."

Even if the house price in Mesa is developed by a small business, a house will cost several million less.

The down payment is 30%, and one or two million must be paid first.

Olive lives at the bottom of society and can afford a house in Mesa, which surprises Neil.

He said, "I have already found a new job. When I get my salary, I will help you pay for the monthly payment."

Olive didn't say anything.

They are now a legal couple, and if he is willing to share some financial pressure, she will not refuse.

When I went to bed at night, the mosquitoes were gone, but the smoky scent of mosquitoes still kept Neil from falling asleep for a long time.

Since he couldn't sleep, he sorted out his relationship with Olive.

After two days of getting along, it seems that this relationship is not so annoying to him. On the contrary, he feels that Olive is different from most women.

The next morning, Olive was still up early.

She saw that Neil's clothes hadn't been washed last night, and threw them into the washing machine for him.

His tight-fitting underwear, she hand-washed and prepared to dry on the balcony.

When Neil got up, he just saw his underwear in her hand, and his eyebrows frowned.

"Who told you to wash my panties?" Neil strode over, his face darkened.