Chapter 13

The person who walked in respectfully was a well-known barrister, often interviewed by TV news, and a man of the hour in Mesa.

Olive just watched his interview.

What does it seem to be called Luo?

For a while, Olive couldn't remember.

Anyway, the cases in Mr. Chapman's hands all started with hundreds of millions of dollars, with an annual income of nine figures.

This was reported in a news interview.

How did he know Neil, and be so respectful and polite in front of Neil?

Mr. Chapman came to Neil and nodded, "Three..."

I wanted to respectfully call out Master Meyer.

But before coming, Simon Terry next to Master Meyer said hello, and Master Meyer's identity could not be revealed.

So, he quickly changed his words, "Mr. Meyer, I have negotiated with the police station, you, your wife, and your wife's friends can leave."

Neil hummed lightly.