Chapter 34

Neil really wanted to kiss Olive.

But after this idea was seen through by Olive, he felt very uncomfortable.

He was the one who said that he would not sleep with her after marriage, but now he was slapped in the face.

He hates this feeling.

It's only been thirteen days since I married Olive.

Thirteen days only.

Was his concentration about to be broken by Olive?


This is not true.

It must be that he has been single for too long and lacks women too much.

That's all.

He restrained himself, and said to Olive calmly and frankly:

"I really wanted to kiss you just now. But it's a normal physiological need for a young man who has been single for thirty-two years."

"And you are indeed beautiful, and I don't hate you. It's normal for me to have a physical desire for you."

"If not, then I'm really abnormal."

"However, that's just a physical need. I don't mean anything else to you."