Chapter 46 Neil, Thank You

"Why am I ashamed to ask for it?"

"Olive, it's amazing that you start a company and become the boss now, don't you recognize me as a father?"

"Without me, can I have you?"

"If I don't give birth to you, can you have today?"

"I gave you life, so you should buy me a house, give me money to spend, and all the money you earn should be used to honor me."

Hugo Randall is full of crooked reasoning, but he is very righteous when he hates Olive.

Olive, who was so angry that he almost vomited blood, found that he could not use the three views and thinking of a normal person to talk to Hugo Randall.

If she continued talking like this, she would only be pissed off.

She hung up the phone, still shaking with anger.

The bodyguard, who was a few meters away, hid behind the bushes and felt a little excited when he saw Olive by the river, and his heart tightened.


Does the wife want to jump off?