Chapter 91 Neil's Social Relations

Olive thought about it seriously, "It depends."

Neil also thought about it seriously, "Then I will make you happy every day from now on."

"Neil, don't think too beautifully." Olive smiled, "I also depend on my mood. Even if you make me happy every day, I can't kiss you every day."

She is not in love.

If this kind of thing is often done to men, men will get bored.

It is to adjust his appetite and make him feel that it is not enough.

All the happiness and happiness that Olive had during this day ended in the early morning of the next day.

The next morning was a very bad morning.

Early in the morning, in front of everyone in the company, Ezra Greene tore up the summons he had received from the court regarding his divorce from Clara Doyle.

After tearing up, Ezra Greene smashed the shredded paper on Clara Doyle's face.