Chapter 96 He is the CEO of the Meyer Group

Neil's look, undetected by Olive.

She touched the range hood in her kitchen and scanned the QR code with her mobile phone.

The price displayed on the official website is: RMB 180,000.00.

Startled Olive.

"My God, the price of this range hood is 180,000. What sky-high price range hood?"

Even if Olive was killed, she would not believe that the developer would be so generous and give her an 180,000 range hood.

"It can't be a fake, right? But even if it's a fake, I think it's a big profit if the developer can give it to me."

Neil with a dark face, in order to prove that it is not a fake, he taught Olive how to verify the authenticity on the official website.

Once verified, it turned out to be genuine.

Properly, as genuine as fake replacement.

It is indeed going to sell for 180000.00 RMB.