Chapter 15 This Is a Mess

Frederick pressed his finger on the phone screen and typed a few words: [Where is the video?]

Just as he was about to press the send button, Holmes' Tears sent a package.

Frederick downloaded it and opened it. It was, indeed, Nicole's video. It's all about the last few years, some uncivilized, disgraceful things she had done.

There was nothing new. Human nature was what it was. People always have a dark side. It was the same with Nicole.

Of course, some things were called disgraceful if they happened to internet celebrities and future Mrs. Barnes. Rural women could say the words which Nicole couldn't. Besides, Nicole was indeed unruly, unreasonable, and even vicious.

Frederick stopped watching after a few minutes. What he was interested in was Holmes' Tears.

Frederick sent Holmes' Tears a private message: [Dude, how much manpower and material resources did you spend on these videos?]