Chapter 60 Something Really Happened

Mr. White pointed to the grapes in front of her and said, "The grapes you eat are very expensive. They were airlifted from abroad. The grapes have a good meaning. Everything in the private room between you and your friends is free tonight."

Yaphet Scott was very happy when he heard it.

"Thank you, Mr. White!" Yaphet Scott thanked with a smile. Hearing that the grapes were expensive, she ate a whole bunch.

After chatting with Mr. White for a while, I got up to say goodbye.

Mr. White glanced at the time, it was already ten o'clock, and ordered Rubin Scott to send Yaphet Scott downstairs to go back with her friend.

In the elevator, Yaphet Scott looked at Rubin Scott and said with a smile, "Little brother, Mr. White ate pistachios tonight, very happy."

Rubin Scott still kept his head down and didn't speak, how dare he talk about Mr. White.

Yaphet Scott looked at Rubin Scott silently, and whispered, "No fun!"