Chapter 67 This Word Was Deliberately Disgusting Him

Milo Sam is dressed very casually, with a white sports jacket without waxing, bangs hanging casually on her forehead, handsome and chic, such a Milo Sam, if she was six years ago, she would feel very chic.

Seeing Milo Sam like this now, she just feels sick.

Yaphet Scott was not surprised to see Milo Sam. With the character of Lorraine Linken, he would definitely notify Milo Sam and Wendy Scott to come back.

Lorraine Linken loves seeing her in pain best.

Naturally, such an opportunity would not be missed today.

Milo Sam showed a gentle smile at Yaphet Scott: "Yaphet, are you back?"

Yaphet Scott glanced at him, how could he have the face to talk and laugh in front of her?

"Yeah!" Yaphet Scott hummed lightly and walked inside.

She glanced at the hall, it was the same as six years ago, nothing had changed.

"Yaphet, you're back." York Scott smiled lovingly at Yaphet Scott.