Chapter 1 Run, NOW!

A petite figure shuttled through the messy garbage station in the dark night.

Alexa Wilson was dressed in ragged clothes, and her leaky cloth shoes stepped into the soft mud.

With the help of the dim yellow light bulb on the trolley beside her, she raised a homemade triangular fork and easily opened the food bags to find more valuable abandoned waste.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and joy welled up on her face.

Rice cooker!

She carefully took it out and looked it over carefully, but it was still a Siemens.

She hurriedly moved the trolley out of an open space, placed it carefully, and pressed the lid of the pot with waste books.

Although it is an old style from more than ten years ago, it is worth dozens of yuan to sell scrap iron!

Feeling relieved, Alexa Wilson took a few more steps forward, and with a snap, she seemed to have stepped on some viscous liquid.

In this kind of place, stepping on unknown things is common, and she doesn't care much about it.

However, after taking another step, the strange sticky sound sounded again.

She lowered her head subconsciously to check, the light of the small light bulb was barely dimmed, and the scarlet blood was shining coldly.

She was surprised, this is...

Alexa Wilson knelt down, rubbed her fingertips, and put it in front of her mouth and nose to sniff lightly.

It's human blood!

After analyzing this result, she quickly pushed the trolley into a hidden corner and hid it.

She followed the bloodstains all the way, rounded a turning, and caught a blackness in the distance at a glance.

Like a man?

"Mr. Davila?" she tentatively asked.

It was quiet and no one responded.

Alexa Wilson's heart sank, she walked over a few steps, and slammed his arm with a three-edged fork, "Wake up."

The man shook his head, but he still hung his head, as if unconscious.

She pursed her red lips slightly, took out a dilapidated old mobile phone from her pocket, and called 911.

"Someone was injured at the dump site south of Peace Road in the western suburbs, bleeding a lot."

"Okay ma'am, we'll be there right away, please try to stop the bleeding first."

Beep beep, hang up the phone.

Hemostasis, the location of his wound is...

Alexa Wilson took a closer look, noticing his blood-soaked shoulders.

She had to squat down and take out a bunch of expired gauze from her broken fanny pack.

Just as she was about to bandage, a big hand grabbed her suddenly, with such force that it almost crushed her bones.

"You want, do, what." The man's thin lips parted slightly, and his hostility overflowed in an instant.

His low magnetic voice was hoarse, and his breathing was full of weakness.

Alexa Wilson paused, looked up and met his eyes suddenly.

His eyes were too dark, as if hiding a dense black cold, reaching straight to the soul.

Alexa Wilson didn't change her face, she let him restrain her, and said in a low voice: "You have lost a lot of blood, and if you don't treat it, you will die."

When the words fell, she just took them.

It's just—how skillful is she in bandaging? The method is still very sophisticated...

In her impression, it was the first time she did this kind of thing, how could she understand so well?

Before she had time to think deeply, there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the distance.

"Quick, we must find him today!" Accompanied by a vicious male voice.

Alexa Wilson's eyes turned cold, and at the same time, the man's lacquered eyes overflowed with a bloodthirsty dark light, and his hoarse voice came out coolly.

"Run, at once." His words were addressed to her.

She really didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, but if she ignored him, she would probably die tonight.

While thinking about it, the footsteps got closer and closer, and the man in black shouted: "There are blood stains, over here!"

Alexa Wilson gradually clenched her palms and picked up the discarded bricks. She had just stood up to prepare for the challenge when the same sound of standing up came from beside her.

She turned her gaze to him, "Your injury is too serious, you can't now..." Before she finished speaking, the man in black roared fiercely again, "Here, catch him!"

With an order, five men in black rushed over from all directions.