Chapter 12 Rumors do not match reality!

After Bentley Davila and Alexa Wilson left, the hall guests exploded again.

Isn't it said that Bentley Davila is tyrannical and ruthless? Who was that gentle and considerate man just now?

It seems that the rumors do not match the reality at all!

Lucy Wilson, like everyone else, was staring in the direction Alexa Wilson and Bentley Davila had left.

She clenched her fists secretly, Bentley Davila has a really nice face, and she is also gentle and considerate...

Immediately, she snorted coldly, so what, she's not a waste with no rights and no money!

Lucy Wilson felt much more balanced in her heart, and she sneered, not bothering to look away.

Ten minutes later, Alexa Wilson had finished changing and washing in the guest room. The clothes were prepared by Bentley Davila and fit perfectly.

She opened the door, and he was waiting at the door.

"I kept you waiting, let's go downstairs."