Chapter 32 Jumping repeatedly between the cute girl and the dragging sister

His intentional leaning on Alexa Wilson aroused Bentley Davila's dissatisfaction.

Bentley Davila glanced at him blankly, and spoke in a low magnetic voice with a bone-chilling chill.

"This is your cousin, who has no seniority or inferiority. Has the Adams family's tutors always been like this?" These words scolded the entire Adams family.

The two are cousins. It stands to reason that Howard Adams should really call Alexa Wilson a sister-in-law.

Alexa Wilson clicks her tongue, seniors and juniors...

Isn't that what Mrs. Davila scolded her a few days ago?

She seriously suspected that Bentley Davila had bugged the ward, but she had no proof.

Before Howard Adams could speak, Mrs. Davila's expression changed.

She smoothed things over with a dry smile: "Bentley, that's not what he meant. Alexa is young and makes her sister-in-law look old. That's why..."