Chapter 44 is too contrived

Bentley Davila gets in, and Dax Burke is already in the driver's seat.

Considering that it was inconvenient for the driver to pick him up, he resigned himself to being the driver.

Dax Burke printed out the latest information and handed it to him, and then started the car to go to the company.

Looking at the document, Bentley Davila was slightly lost in thought.

Alexa Wilson's unconvinced and distressed expression for money still flashed in his mind.

How can Mrs. Davila of the Fu family not spend money?

He knew the little girl was trying to save money, and even plan for the future, but he would never let Alexa Wilson go that far.

Now that I am Mrs. Davila, the young master of the Fu family, I will enjoy a happy life in the future, and I don't have to worry about precarity at all.

Bentley Davila not only needs to train the other party to spend money, but also cultivates many of her hobbies.