Chapter 15 The "Love Letter"

Alexa returned to her seat again, and Lucy was still on the stage. She didn't want to continue playing the lyre because it could only make her more humiliated by Alexa's skills that outshined hers.

But since everyone was staring at her, she had no choice but to continue to pluck the strings.

After finishing the performance, she gave Alexa a hard look and left the stage silently.

Mr. Davila didn't bother the young couple and left.

Bentley was pushed out of the venue by Alexa. His clear voice mixed with a hint of appreciation.

"Your skills of playing the lyre are very good."

Alexa pinched the tip of her nose and said lightly, "I used to pick up discarded musical instruments at garbage stations, so I know a little bit."

Bentley looked back at her and met her eyes, which were full of brightness and sincerity.

He clicked his tongue a little. If he didn't know her well, he would have been annoyed by her understatement.