Chapter 1 The Boss returns

"Everyone! Immediately retreat outside the warning line!"

"On the deck of the aircraft carrier, Cassie, adorned with America Force medals on her chest, slowly arrived at the front of the army under the escort of several senior officers.

She held her neck high and looked at the people below.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were standing upright under the sun, and the moment they saw the God of War appear, everyone's eyes were filled with fierceness.

This is the legendary god of war!

It's the guardian god of America!

It is the god of war who carried a warrior’s coffin and marched eastward two years ago, defeating 300,000 pirates by Atlantic.

Three years ago, she traveled 20,000 miles westward, and annihilated the commander of the battle headquarters of the enemy country!

She commanded the America Force when she was thirteen years old.

At the age of fourteen, she expanded the territories by two million square kilometers!

At the age of fifteen, she established the world's top organization!

No matter how powerful people may be, they must respectfully address her "Your Highness, God of War".

Looking at the crowds, Cassie was filled with thoughts and memories.

After eight years of absence, she finally set foot on this land again.

"Brothers, I'm back. Are you okay?"

As the most powerful god of war in the history of America, she also had a tragic past.

She has never seen her father since childhood. She was raised by her mother and at the age of three, she witnessed her uncle attempting to molest her mother. Her mom stabbed her uncle to death due to fierce resistance.

The Ali family despised her, and on a snowy night, they undressed her and threw her into a haystack.

Later, fortunately, she was taken back by seven older brothers who were also orphans and they started to live a miserable life.

Until the age of ten, she took a pair of scissors and secretly ran to the Ali family to stab the sleeping uncle, as revenge for her mother, but was caught on the spot.

The third and fifth brothers were sent to prison to save her, and she was also imprisoned.

The other brothers were sleeping soundly in the haystack and almost burned to death.

Prison is the darkest place like the hell, where she suffered all the humiliation and was later sent to the deserted island where she tried her best to fight and survive again!

Later, she was favored by a famous general during, and was secretly brought into the America Force. She accepted the inheritance of the famous general and made countless military achievements.

After the death of the famous general, she inherited his will and carried his coffin to the east, defeating the enemy by Atlantic. She guarded the northern border for eight years.

"Master, I have repaid your great kindness. It's time for me to live for himself."

Now that eight years have passed, she was filled with melancholy, and she was happy but nervous to come back.

There were no familiar people in this world.

After a long time, she finally mustered the courage to ask the officer in black military uniform, "Have you heard from my brothers?"

"We have found information about your third brother, Mr. Anthony Ball," said the officer respectfully five steps away from her.

In front of others, the officer is the invincible Dragon King of America, Mr. Boden Cain, a giant in the world.

But in front of the young girl in front of him, he felt like he was insignificant.

"Third Brother?" She turned her head slightly, with a hint of surprise on her face. "Where is he? Take me to see him quickly."

Mr. Cain was sweating profusely and bowed, saying, "God of War, forgive me. When we rushed, he had already been kidnapped by the Ali family."


Cassie gaze turned cold and her face darkened as she asked, "Say it again. The Ali family?"

"That Ali family is yours..." Mr. Cain looked flustered, afraid to continue.

Cassie’s eyes were frosty, with her red lips clenched.

"Ali family! Since you actively seek death, I will let you know the consequences."