Chapter 58 I am her boyfriend.

"Aunt, I don't blame you for these things." Cassie Ali held his hand tightly. "I don't know how many times Cassie died if you hadn't worked so hard to take care of her. You would be my mother."

Kimora Shaw wiped the tears from her face and took her hand into the room.

Although the outside is chaotic, the inside is very clean. Although my aunt is a countryman, she is industrious and dutiful. I don't know how much I've suffered over the years to be able to send Whitley to Washington University.

Kimora Shaw took out a chair and wiped it again and again before letting her sit down.

"According to Whitley, you also got into Washington University and became the first in the spring exam." Kimora Shaw looks excited!

Washington University, that is the unattainable existence of the common people for a lifetime, Cassie Ali is really too good. Not only passed the exam, but also got the first place, and the future is limitless.